0176/2019 - Do yoga para a atenção psicossocial na Atenção Primária à Saúde: Um estudo hermenêutico sobre valores e princípios éticos do Yoga Sutra de Patañjali. From Yoga to Psychosocial Care in Primary Care for Health: A Hermeneutic Study on the Values and Ethical Principles of the Yoga Sutra of Patañjali.
O presente artigo tem como objetivo interpretar valores e princípios éticos da tradição do yoga e discuti-los visando possíveis contribuições para a atenção psicossocial na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Foi realizado um estudo teórico-hermenêutico, em que conceitos presentes na escritura Yoga Sutra de Patañjali foram interpretados sob o enquadramento da saúde mental. Constatou-se que os valores encontrados na escritura podem enriquecer as práticas de yoga atualmente existentes voltadas para os usuários da APS (que sofrem com aflições inerentes à vida) ao fornecerem ideias e diretrizes que favorecem um sentido de libertação do sofrimento. Tais valores e princípios éticos podem ser incorporados às discussões presentes na APS e na atenção psicossocial, como redução da iatrogenia e da medicalização desnecessária (prevenção quaternária), relativização do poder biomédico, estímulo ao exercício da empatia e da participação dos usuários nos cuidados, com seu reposicionamento subjetivo, pluralizando formas autônomas de manejo do sofrimento e construindo redes de apoio psicossocial. Concluiu-se que os valores do Yoga Sutra podem estar presentes em diversos âmbitos da APS, o que daria um entendimento expandido sobre o que significa uma \'prática de yoga\'.
Ioga, Atenção Primária à Saúde, Terapias Complementares, saúde mental.
This article aims to interpret ethical values and principles of the yoga tradition and discuss them with a view to possible contributions to psychosocial care in Primary Health Care (PHC). A theoretical-hermeneutic study was carried out, in which concepts present in the Yoga Sutra writing of Patañjali were interpreted under the framework of mental health. It has been found that the values found in scripture can enrich the existing practices of yoga for APS users (who sufferafflictions inherent to life) by providing ideas and guidelines that favor a sense of liberation of suffering. Such values and ethical principles can be incorporated into the discussions in PHC and psychosocial care, such as reduction of iatrogeny and unnecessary medicalization (quaternary prevention), relativization of biomedical power, stimulation of empathy and participation of users in care, with their subjective repositioning, pluralizing autonomous ways of managing suffering and building networks of psychosocial support. It was concluded that the values of the Yoga Sutra may be present in various areas of PHC, which would give an expanded understanding of what a \'yoga practice\' means.
Yoga; Primary health care, complementary therapies, psychosocial care, mental health.
From Yoga to Psychosocial Care in Primary Care for Health: A Hermeneutic Study on the Values and Ethical Principles of the Yoga Sutra of Patañjali.
Resumo (abstract):
This article aims to interpret ethical values and principles of the yoga tradition and discuss them with a view to possible contributions to psychosocial care in Primary Health Care (PHC). A theoretical-hermeneutic study was carried out, in which concepts present in the Yoga Sutra writing of Patañjali were interpreted under the framework of mental health. It has been found that the values found in scripture can enrich the existing practices of yoga for APS users (who sufferafflictions inherent to life) by providing ideas and guidelines that favor a sense of liberation of suffering. Such values and ethical principles can be incorporated into the discussions in PHC and psychosocial care, such as reduction of iatrogeny and unnecessary medicalization (quaternary prevention), relativization of biomedical power, stimulation of empathy and participation of users in care, with their subjective repositioning, pluralizing autonomous ways of managing suffering and building networks of psychosocial support. It was concluded that the values of the Yoga Sutra may be present in various areas of PHC, which would give an expanded understanding of what a \'yoga practice\' means.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Yoga; Primary health care, complementary therapies, psychosocial care, mental health.
Pereira, L.F, Tesser, C.D. Do yoga para a atenção psicossocial na Atenção Primária à Saúde: Um estudo hermenêutico sobre valores e princípios éticos do Yoga Sutra de Patañjali.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jun). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/do-yoga-para-a-atencao-psicossocial-na-atencao-primaria-a-saude-um-estudo-hermeneutico-sobre-valores-e-principios-eticos-do-yoga-sutra-de-patanjali/17250?id=17250&id=17250