0069/2020 - Fatores associados ao comportamento da população durante o isolamento social na pandemia de COVID-19 Associated factors to population behavior during the social isolation in pandemic COVID-19
O artigo apresenta resultados da pesquisa de opinião realizada no Brasil sobre a percepção do isolamento social durante a pandemia de COVID-19. O questionário foi elaborado no Google Forms, disseminado por redes sociais, com questões sobre o perfil socioeconômico e fatores associados ao isolamento. Obteve-se uma amostra com 16.440 respondentes. Os dados foram analisados no software Stata 13. O convívio social foi o aspecto mais afetado entre pessoas com maior escolaridade e renda 45,8%, para pessoas de baixas renda e escolaridade, problemas financeiros provocam maior impacto 35%. Os que praticam atividade física revelaram menores níveis de estresse 13%, bem como uma maior normalidade no sono 50,3%. Pessoas que referiram residir em piores condições de habitabilidade, informaram disposição a permanecer menos tempo isoladas 73,9%. Dentre as pessoas que não estão isoladas (10,7% do total), 75,8% acredita que o isolamento social reduzirá o número de vítimas da COVID-19. Concluímos, que a percepção das pessoas quanto ao isolamento social como medida de mitigação da pandemia, varia conforme a renda, escolaridade, idade e sexo, porém a maior parte acredita que se trata da medida de controle mais indicada e estão dispostas a esperar o tempo que for necessário para contribuir com o enfrentamento à COVID-19.
Novo Coronavírus, Brasil, Percepção social
This article presents the results of an opinion poll conducted in Brazil on the perception of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire was prepared on Google Forms, disseminated through social networks, with questions about the socio-economic profile and factors associated with isolation. A non-probabilistic sample was obtained with 16,440 respondents. Data were analyzed using the Stata 13 software. Social interaction was the most affected aspect among people with higher education and income 45.8%, for people with low income and education, financial problems cause a greater impact 35%. Those who practice some physical activity showed lower levels of stress 13%, as well as greater normality in sleep 50.3%. People who reported living in worse habitability conditions reported willingness to remain isolated for less time 73.9%. Among people who are not isolated, 10.7% of the total sample, 75.8% believe that social isolation will reduce the number of victims of COVID-19. We conclude, based on this sample, that the perception about social isolation as a pandemic mitigation action varies according to income, education, age, and sex, but, the majority believes it is the most appropriate control measure and is willing to wait as long as necessary to contribute to the fight against COVID-19.
Associated factors to population behavior during the social isolation in pandemic COVID-19
Resumo (abstract):
This article presents the results of an opinion poll conducted in Brazil on the perception of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire was prepared on Google Forms, disseminated through social networks, with questions about the socio-economic profile and factors associated with isolation. A non-probabilistic sample was obtained with 16,440 respondents. Data were analyzed using the Stata 13 software. Social interaction was the most affected aspect among people with higher education and income 45.8%, for people with low income and education, financial problems cause a greater impact 35%. Those who practice some physical activity showed lower levels of stress 13%, as well as greater normality in sleep 50.3%. People who reported living in worse habitability conditions reported willingness to remain isolated for less time 73.9%. Among people who are not isolated, 10.7% of the total sample, 75.8% believe that social isolation will reduce the number of victims of COVID-19. We conclude, based on this sample, that the perception about social isolation as a pandemic mitigation action varies according to income, education, age, and sex, but, the majority believes it is the most appropriate control measure and is willing to wait as long as necessary to contribute to the fight against COVID-19.
Bezerra, A, Silva, C.E.M, Soares, F.R.G, Silva, J.A.M. Fatores associados ao comportamento da população durante o isolamento social na pandemia de COVID-19. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/abr). [Citado em 18/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-associados-ao-comportamento-da-populacao-durante-o-isolamento-social-na-pandemia-de-covid19/17551?id=17551