0166/2020 - Implicações da pandemia COVID-19 para a segurança alimentar e nutricional no Brasil Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for food and nutrition security in Brazil
O surgimento da COVID-19 no Brasil explicitou ainda mais a enorme discrepância entre diferentes realidades sociais que coexistem no país, reacendendo as discussões acerca da segurança alimentar e nutricional, à semelhança do que vem acontecendo em outros países que enfrentam a mesma situação de pandemia. Argumenta-se nesse trabalho que os riscos para a Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) e a fome dos brasileiros já vinham se apresentando desde 2016, sendo agora aprofundados pela emergência da epidemia da COVID-19, passando a exigir compreensão da extensão e magnitude dos problemas e articulação de medidas governamentais nas três esferas de gestão (federal, municipal e estadual), que possam assegurar o acesso à alimentação adequada e saudável, com vistas reduzir os impactos negativos da doença na condição de alimentação, saúde e nutrição dos mais vulneráveis. Assim, este texto pretende contribuir para o debate sobre as medidas a serem adotadas pelos governos e sociedade para promover e garantir a SAN e impedir que a insegurança e a expansão da fome avancem durante e após a crise social e sanitária gerada pela pandemia.
COVID-19, Pandemias, Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Política Pública.
The emergence of COVID-19 in Brazil made further explicit the huge discrepancy between different social realities that coexist in the country, rekindling the discussions about food and nutrition security, similarly to what has been happening in other countries facing the same pandemic situation. We argue in this paper that the risks to hunger and food security in Brazil have been present since 2016, and now being deepened due to the emergence of the COVID-19 epidemic. This situation demands an understanding of the extent and magnitude of the problem and an articulation of measures in the three spheres of government (federal, municipal and state), in order to ensure access to adequate and healthy food and reduce the negative impacts of the disease through the diet, health and nutrition among the most vulnerable people. Thus, this work aims to contribute to the debate on the measures to be adopted by governments and by the society to promote and guarantee food and nutrition security, and then prevent insecurity and the expansion of hungeradvancing during and after the social and health crisis created by the pandemic.
COVID-19, Pandemics, Food and Nutritional Security, Public Policy.
Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for food and nutrition security in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The emergence of COVID-19 in Brazil made further explicit the huge discrepancy between different social realities that coexist in the country, rekindling the discussions about food and nutrition security, similarly to what has been happening in other countries facing the same pandemic situation. We argue in this paper that the risks to hunger and food security in Brazil have been present since 2016, and now being deepened due to the emergence of the COVID-19 epidemic. This situation demands an understanding of the extent and magnitude of the problem and an articulation of measures in the three spheres of government (federal, municipal and state), in order to ensure access to adequate and healthy food and reduce the negative impacts of the disease through the diet, health and nutrition among the most vulnerable people. Thus, this work aims to contribute to the debate on the measures to be adopted by governments and by the society to promote and guarantee food and nutrition security, and then prevent insecurity and the expansion of hungeradvancing during and after the social and health crisis created by the pandemic.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
COVID-19, Pandemics, Food and Nutritional Security, Public Policy.
Ribeiro-Silva, R.C, Santos, M.P., Campello, T, Aragão, E, Guimarães, J.M.M, Ferreira, A., Barreto, M.L, Santos, S.M.C. Implicações da pandemia COVID-19 para a segurança alimentar e nutricional no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jun). [Citado em 26/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/implicacoes-da-pandemia-covid19-para-a-seguranca-alimentar-e-nutricional-no-brasil/17648?id=17648