0068/2020 - Medidas de distanciamento social no controle da pandemia de COVID-19: Potenciais impactos e desafios no Brasil Social distance measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic: Potential impacts and challenges in Brazil.
A pandemia de COVID-19 tem desafiado pesquisadores e gestores a encontrar medidas de saúde pública que evitem o colapso dos sistemas de saúde e reduzam os óbitos. Esta revisão narrativa buscou sistematizar as evidências sobre o impacto das medidas de distanciamento social na epidemia de COVID-19 e discutir sua implementação no Brasil. Foram triados artigos sobre o efeito do distanciamento social na COVID-19 noPubMed, medRXiv e bioRvix, eanalisados atos do poder público nos níveis federal e estadual para sumarizar as estratégias implementadas no Brasil. Os achados sugerem que o distanciamento social adotado porpopulação é efetivo, especialmente quando combinado ao isolamento de casos e à quarentena dos contatos. Recomenda-se a implementação de medidas de distanciamento social e de políticas de proteção social para garantir a sustentabilidade dessas medidas. Para o controle da COVID-19 no Brasil, é imprescindível que essas medidas estejam aliadas ao fortalecimento do sistema de vigilância nos três níveis do SUS, que inclui a avaliação e uso de indicadores adicionais para monitorar a evolução da pandemia e o efeito das medidas de controle, a ampliaçãoda capacidade de testagem, e divulgação ampla e transparente das notificações e de testagem desagregados.
COVID-19 pandemic has challenged researchersand policymakers to seek public health measures to prevent the collapse of health systems and reduce deaths. This narrative review sought to summarize the evidence on the impact of social distancing in the course of the COVID-19 epidemic and to discuss its implementation in Brazil. We searched papers describing the effects of social distancing on COVID-19 in PubMed, medRXiv and bioRvix databases. Federal and stateslegislation were analyzed to summarize the strategies implemented in Brazil.This review suggests that social distancing in the entire population is effective, especially when combined with the isolation of cases and the quarantine of contacts. We recommend the implementation of social distancing, and social protection policies to ensure the sustainability of these strategies. For the control of COVID-19 in Brazil, it is essential that these measures are combined with the strengthening of the epidemiological monitoringin the three levels of SUS, which include the evaluation and use of additional indicators to monitor the unfolding of the pandemic and the effect of control measures, the expansion of testing capacity, and the wide and transparent availability of disaggregated case and testing registries.
COVID-19, pandemics, social distancing, epidemiological monitoring.
Social distance measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic: Potential impacts and challenges in Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
COVID-19 pandemic has challenged researchersand policymakers to seek public health measures to prevent the collapse of health systems and reduce deaths. This narrative review sought to summarize the evidence on the impact of social distancing in the course of the COVID-19 epidemic and to discuss its implementation in Brazil. We searched papers describing the effects of social distancing on COVID-19 in PubMed, medRXiv and bioRvix databases. Federal and stateslegislation were analyzed to summarize the strategies implemented in Brazil.This review suggests that social distancing in the entire population is effective, especially when combined with the isolation of cases and the quarantine of contacts. We recommend the implementation of social distancing, and social protection policies to ensure the sustainability of these strategies. For the control of COVID-19 in Brazil, it is essential that these measures are combined with the strengthening of the epidemiological monitoringin the three levels of SUS, which include the evaluation and use of additional indicators to monitor the unfolding of the pandemic and the effect of control measures, the expansion of testing capacity, and the wide and transparent availability of disaggregated case and testing registries.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
COVID-19, pandemics, social distancing, epidemiological monitoring.
Aquino, E.M.L, Silveira, I.H, Pescarini, J., Aquino, R., Souza-Filho, J.A. Medidas de distanciamento social no controle da pandemia de COVID-19: Potenciais impactos e desafios no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/abr). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/medidas-de-distanciamento-social-no-controle-da-pandemia-de-covid19-potenciais-impactos-e-desafios-no-brasil/17550?id=17550