0103/2016 - A comparasion of tuberculosis proportion of cure according to health coverage and socioeconomic factors in Rio de Janeiro city, 2012
Comparação da proporção de cura por tuberculose segundo cobertura e tempo de implantação de saúde da família e fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos no município do RJ, 2012


• José Carlos Prado Junior - Prado Jr, José Carlos - Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro - <joseprado.smsrio@gmail.com> +


• Roberto de Andrade Medronho - Medronho, Roberto de Andrade - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Faculdade de Medicina - <medronho@medicina.ufrj.br>
• Thiago Costa Virgilio - Virgilio, Thiago Costa - Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro - <thiagocvirgilio@gmail.com>

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Tuberculosis (TB) presents a high burden of disease and is considered a global emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO), consisting on the most important cause of death from infectious disease in adults. It is related directly to access to health services and socioeconomic factors. The Primary Care Reform in the city of Rio de Janeiro started at 2010, increasing the family health coverage from 7% to 48.2% in 2014. The goal of this article is to compare the cure of tuberculosis among the areas covered and not covered by the family health teams in 2012. The socioeconomic variables were obtained from the national surveillance system (SINAN) and the There was association to the cure of TB and female patients OR 1,40 (CI95% 1,21-1,62) and people living in slums areas OR 0,86 (CI95% 0,73-1,02). There was no association between the cure of tuberculosis and the family health coverage OR 1,06 (IC95% 0,92-1,22) nor with the time between diagnosis and the begining of health teams works. The fact of family health services had been started on the most vulnerable areas of the city, as well as the short time between the beginning of family health teams and the date of diagnosis may have contributed not to detect benefits in TB cure in 2012 in areas covered by family health teams.


Primary Health Care Tuberculosis Family Health


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Prado Jr, José Carlos , Medronho, Roberto de Andrade , Virgilio, Thiago Costa . A comparasion of tuberculosis proportion of cure according to health coverage and socioeconomic factors in Rio de Janeiro city, 2012. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/Feb). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/a-comparasion-of-tuberculosis-proportion-of-cure-according-to-health-coverage-and-socioeconomic-factors-in-rio-de-janeiro-city-2012/15525

