0190/2019 - A Razão Empreendedora na Pesquisa em Saúde.


• Reinaldo Guimarães - Guimarães, R. - <reinaldo.guimaraes47@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0138-9594


The paper discusses the changing relationship between scientific research and productive innovation which has ocurred since the final quarter of the XXth Century. That phenomenon has had as main expression an intense time-space narrowing of the two activities. Human health has been one of the principal fields that narrowing has been observed. Some conceptual bases of that reorganization are discussed, and the text brings to discussion works by Gibbons, Stokes and Lundvall-Freeman, as well as Merton, Kuhn and Bourdieu in the topic of the science work processes. The paper points out and discusses three aspects that were consequence of that new configuration, which are the erosion of the well established concept of science knowledge as a public good, the dissemination of a character called the ‘entrepreneurial scientist’ and the the creation and rise of the translational strategy in health research.


Scientific Policy, Technology Policy, Innovation, Applied Ethics


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