1280/2011 - Adaptation of Critical Time Intervention for use in Brazil and its implementation among users of Psychosocial Service Centers (CAPS) in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro
Adaptação da “Critical Time Intervention” para o contexto brasileiro e sua implementação junto a usuários dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial do município do Rio de Janeiro


• Maria Tavares Cavalcanti - Cavalcanti, M.T. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - UFRJ - Instituto de Psiquiatria - <mariatavarescavalcanti@gmail.com>


• Maria Cecilia de Araújo Carvalho - Carvalho, M.C.A. - Escola Politecnica Joaquim Venancio - Fiocruz - <ceciliacarvalho@fiocruz.br>
• Elie Valencia - Valencia,E. - Universidade de Columbia - < elie.valencia@gmail.com>
• Catarina Magalhães Dahl - Dahl, C.M. - UNICAMP - <catdahl@hotmail.com>
• Flávia Mitkiewicz de Souza - Souza, F.M. - Instituto de Psiquiatria da UFRJ - <fmitkiewicz@terra.com.br>

Thematic Area:

Políticas em Saúde


The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform proposes a mental health care model based on the implementation of a community-based services network, where the Psychosocial Service Centers (CAPS) play a fundamental role. The report presents the results of a pilot study which aimed to adapt the Critical Time Intervention to the Brazilian context, and to test its feasibility to provide it to persons with schizophrenic spectrum disorders who are enrolled in CAPS of Rio de Janeiro. Methods: The research design included three inter-related phases. Phase consisted in carrying out qualitative and quantitative field work. This phase included mapping out the socio-demographic, clinical and service utilization data of CAPS users, as well as assessing the mental health needs of participants in the study. The second phase consisted in the translation of the CTI clinical manual to included the adaptations made for use in Brazil, wich were based on data collected in the first phase, as well as the training of individuals with moderate education as CTI intervention workers. The third phase consisted of a pilot implementation of the adapted intervention among a group of individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders enrolled in CAPS, but difficult to engage in treatment.


CAPS continuity of care critical time intervention severe and persistent mental illness


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Cavalcanti, M.T., Carvalho, M.C.A., Valencia,E., Dahl, C.M., Souza, F.M.. Adaptation of Critical Time Intervention for use in Brazil and its implementation among users of Psychosocial Service Centers (CAPS) in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/Sep). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/adaptation-of-critical-time-intervention-for-use-in-brazil-and-its-implementation-among-users-of-psychosocial-service-centers-caps-in-the-municipality-of-rio-de-janeiro/8693?id=8693

