0546/2009 - Blood donors acceptability of the public hemocentre in Recife, Brazil
Aceitabilidade de doadores de sangue no hemocentro público do Recife, Brasil


• Fábia Michelle Rodrigues de Araújo - Araújo,F.M.R - Recife, PE - Imip - <fabiamra@yahoo.com.br>

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This study evaluated the acceptability of blood donors concerning the donation steps (reception, nursing, medical selection and collection) at the Recife public hemocentre with emphases on the receptivity. A sample of 527 donors was obtained: each 19th person sequentially was invited to answer a questionnaire. Chi-square (x2) was used in the analysis. Of them: 81.4% were men, 81.0% repetition donors, 50.3% unsatisfied regarding the time wasted in donation and 36.4% had difficulties in reaching the service. The strong acceptability given to the receptivity was due, mainly to communication and the treatment form. Signification statistics were shown by: women and donors of higher scholastic level who asked for more information and by men who had a more positive perception towards the selection processes. The sector with the best evaluation was the collection. However, they mentioned the impersonality, persistence of doubts and rapidity of the medical interview. Attention focused on the donor requires that continuous education should complement the professionals’ humanitarian formation.

Key words: Blood donators, Users’ satisfaction, Quality of Health Care Health Services Evaluation, Health evaluation.


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