0528/2013 - Body and finitude – listening at the patient suffering as a working tool in the oncological institution
Corpo e finitude – a escuta do sofrimento como instrumento de trabalho em instituição oncológica


• Juliana de Miranda e Castro Arantes - Castro-Arantes, J.M. - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - INCA - <ju.castro@terra.com.br>


• Anna Carolina Lo Bianco - Lo Bianco, A.C. - UFRJ - <aclobianco@uol.com.br>

Thematic Area:

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Bringing up questions raised in the day to day attendance at patients in the pain clinic of a Brazilian cancer hospital (INCA), the article examines the consequences brought to the psychic dimension of the subject the fact of it being intimately linked to the body. Almost always profoundly affected by the illness, one’s identification is deeply modified by one’s own body conception. This brings along not only suffering, but impair the oncological treatment. Conceptualizing the body from a psychoanalytical point of view, the article emphasizes the importance of language and the spoken word in its constitution. The body conceived by psychoanalysis does not to coincide with the biological body. Next, the importance of hearing the patient speech as an important tool in the work of professionals in the oncological institution is demonstrated. It concludes by tracing two possible positions regarding those dealing with the eminence of death and the finitude of life: one that saving oneself from the encounter with the perishable dimension of life, shows pity for the patient, resigns and relinquishes from this encounter and the other that listen to the patient with compassion, conceding to the inexorability of finitude common to everybody. This may give the chance the person to suffering not completely alone and to working through some of the horror one is enduring.


cancer body finitude word listening


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Castro-Arantes, J.M., Lo Bianco, A.C.. Body and finitude – listening at the patient suffering as a working tool in the oncological institution. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/Apr). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/body-and-finitude-listening-at-the-patient-suffering-as-a-working-tool-in-the-oncological-institution/12745?id=12745

