0112/2018 - Factors associated to assault perpetrated by a stranger among young male treated at emergency services: A case-control study.
Fatores associados a agressões por desconhecidos entre jovens do sexo masculino atendidos em serviços de urgência e emergência: Estudo de casos e controles.


• Alice Cristina Medeiros Melo - Melo, ACM - <acnmedeiros@gmail.com>


• Leila Posenato Garcia - Garcia, Leila Posenato - <leila.garcia@ipea.gov.br>


This study aims to analyze the factors associated to assault perpetrated by a stranger among young males treated at emergency services. This is a case-control study with datathe Violence and Accident Surveillance System Survey, conducted in 2014, at 86 emergency services located in Brazilian State capitals. We included young male aged 15-29 years. All victims of assault perpetrated by a stranger were included as cases. Controls were randomly ed among those who had suffered accidental injuries, in the ratio 2:1. We used unconditional logistic regression to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR). 787 cases and 1,574 controls were included. Risk factors according to the adjusted analysis were: lack of paid work (OR 2.09; IC 95% 1.66; 2.64), alcohol consumption (OR 3.14; IC95% 2.36; 4.17), and occurrence at night (OR 3.39; IC 95% 2.50; 4.61) or late-night (OR 5.31; IC 95% 3.63; 7.75), compared to the mornings. Higher age (25-29 years) and schooling (> 4 years of study) were protective factors. The results evidenced the need for more effective and multisectoral actions to prevent violence, which consider the factors associated, including alcoholic beverage intake, and investments in qualified education and paid employment for young people.


Health Surveys; Case-Control Studies; Young Adult; Violence; Aggression.


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Melo, ACM, Garcia, Leila Posenato. Factors associated to assault perpetrated by a stranger among young male treated at emergency services: A case-control study.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Feb). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/factors-associated-to-assault-perpetrated-by-a-stranger-among-young-male-treated-at-emergency-services-a-casecontrol-study/16645?id=16645

