0649/2008 - Myths and faiths on the breastfeeding
Mitos e crenças sobre o aleitamento materno
• Emanuele Souza Marques - MARQUES, E.S. - MG - Universidade Federal de Viçosa - <emanuelesm@gmail.com>ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8633-7290
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Não CategorizadoAbstract:
Objective to analyze the main myths and faiths related to the breastfeeding under the theoretical-practical perspective of the different studies presented in the literature. The studies were obtained by bibliographical revision in the main bases of data (MEDLINE, LILACS, ScIELO), were retrieved using the key-words “Breastfeeding”, “Wean”, “Myths” and “Faiths” (and their versions in English and Spanish). Books, theories, dissertations, publications in international and national organs were consulted. It was observed through the centuries that the doubts around the correct form of the baby’s feeding rules in conceptions that play the biological and the partner-cultural determinant exist. It is verified that there are several myths and faiths that orientate the nursing generate in the mother who breastfeed guilty consciences, anxiety, or trust feelings and support related to the capacity of milky production. In this sense, it is necessary that professionals of health understand the nursing under the maternal glance, unmasking their myths and faiths, changing the service form, in way to contemplate the several factors presented in the nursing, acting in a more effective way for the prolongation and maintenance of the breastfeeding.Keywords: Breastfeeding; Wean; Myths; Faiths.