0267/2017 - Occupational Health Surveillance in the Primary Care: learning with Family Health team of João Pessoa-PB.
Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador na Atenção Básica: aprendizagens com as equipes de Saúde da Família de João Pessoa-PB.


• Luciana de Assis Amorim - Amorim, LA - <cianaassis.amorim@gmail.com>


• Thais Lacerda e Silva - Silva, TL - <thaislacerda@gmail.com>
• Horácio Pereira Faria - Faria, HP - <horaciofaria@gmail.com>
• Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado - Machado, J. M. H. - <jorge.machado@fiocruz.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1176-1919
• Elizabeth Dias - Dias, E - <bethdias@gmail.com>


The study analyzes actions of Occupational Health Surveillance developed by Family Health teams, based on the perception of doctors and nurses in the county of João Pessoa. A questionnaire was used with 30 questions organized in four blocks: general identification of the professional; Workers Health care practices with emphasis on the productive and epidemiological profile and matrix and institutional support to the teams. A total of 179 professionals participated; 82% women; 46% with 50 years or more and 60% been activity for longer than 10 years. The results show that Occupational Health Surveillance actions are not included in the daily work of the teams: 53% carry out mapping of productive activities; 30% correlate with situations of vulnerability and 24% refer actions to eliminate / mitigate exposure to situations of risk and vulnerability. Reference Center on Occupational Health is support to Family Health teams was reported by 45% of the participants, and it was lower by occupational health surveillance (32%). Participation in health worker qualification processes is small, reported by 24% of professionals. The results suggest the need to strengthen the processes of permanent education and technical support to the teams.


Health Surveillance, Occupational Health Surveillance, Primary Care


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Amorim, LA, Silva, TL, Faria, HP, Machado, J. M. H., Dias, E. Occupational Health Surveillance in the Primary Care: learning with Family Health team of João Pessoa-PB.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Jul). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/occupational-health-surveillance-in-the-primary-care-learning-with-family-health-team-of-joao-pessoapb/16319

