0219/2023 - On Sanitary Sovereignty in the Health Industrial Complex
Sobre a Soberania Sanitária no Complexo Industrial da Saúde


• Reinaldo Guimarães - Guimarães, R. - <reinaldo.guimaraes47@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0138-9594


The article discusses the place of the Health Industrial Complex in the government initiative for a new industrialization in Brazil. To this end, it discusses possible paths that the initiative reserves for its various components. It begins by discussing the appropriateness of this process to target “sanitary sovereignty” as an objective. Then, it points out the necessary articulation of the health industry with the general industrialization policy. It emphasizes the role of the State and the private sector in this process and emphasizes the presence of the SUS and the Ministry of Health. Finally, it points out the conditions of competition between the Health Industrial Complex and the global industrial oligopoly.


New industrial policy; Health Industrial Complex; Science, Technology and Innovation in health.


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