0031/2020 - Oral health self-medication in Muiscas, Yanakunas and Pijaos indigenous populations of Colombia
Automedicación en salud bucal en indígenas Muiscas, Yanakunas y Pijaos de Colombia.


• Edson Jair Ospina Lozano - Lozano, E.J.O - <ejospinal@unal.edu.co>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4040-091X


• Yesica Daniela Liscano Pinzón - Pinzón, Y.D.L - <ydliscanop@unal.edu.co>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0534-9100
• Sergio Iván Pachón Solano - Solano, S.I.P - <sipachons@unal.edu.co>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4173-1980


Self-medication is a social practice that corresponds to the autonomous use of therapeutic elements to confront diseases. It involves a socio-cultural context of the disease, a rationality centred on therapeutic efficacy and the availability of curative inputs. Objective. To identify and analyze the process of self-medication in oral health in indigenous Muiscas, Pijaos and Yanakunas of Colombia. Method Qualitative study, with ethnographic focus, and use of techniques such as documentary analysis, participant observation, field diary and ethnographic interviews. Results Self-medication is frequent among these indigenous people. The use of pharmaceutical drugs in the Muisca and medicinal plants in the Yanakuna prevails. Therapeutic complementation is evident in the Pijao. Pharmaceutical elements focus on a question of social progress and herbal elements on a question of cultural identity. Conclusions In these communities self-medication in oral health is a structured and daily practice in families to face their ailments. This practice is supported by the knowledge, management and availability of different therapeutic resources.


Oral Health, Self Medication, Indigenous Population, Qualitative Research, Medicinal Plants, Etnography.


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Lozano, E.J.O, Pinzón, Y.D.L, Solano, S.I.P. Oral health self-medication in Muiscas, Yanakunas and Pijaos indigenous populations of Colombia. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/Feb). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/oral-health-selfmedication-in-muiscas-yanakunas-and-pijaos-indigenous-populations-of-colombia/17513?id=17513

