1362/2010 - Quality of life of women recovering from breast cancer that undergone mastectomy compared with those who undergone conservative operation: a literature review
Qualidade de vida em mulheres submetidas à mastectomia comparada com aquelas que se submeteram à cirurgia conservadora: uma revisão de literatura
• Juliana Machado Majewski - Majewski, J.M. - PUCRS - <danielafl@yahoo.com.br>Thematic Area:
Não CategorizadoAbstract:
The study review the literature on quality of life (QoL) of women with breast cancer who undergone mastectomy, compared with those who undergone conservative operation. Eight randomized controlled trials have been selected. The studies were compared with regard the time quality of life has been assessed (whether during or after treatment for breast cancer), measurement instruments of quality of life used, and their methods and results. The results of four studies suggest a more strong negative impact in the QoL of mastectomized women; the other studies showed no difference between groups in terms of QoL. Objective measures of quality of life may help identify potentially critical situations of daily living and inform initiatives likely to promote women’s health that undergone breast cancer surgical intervention.Key words Breast cancer, Mastectomy, Quality of life