0292/2017 - Suicide in Childhood: A Literature Review.
Revisão de literatura sobre suicídio na infância.


• Girliani Silva de Sousa - Sousa, G.S - <girlianis@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0988-5744


• Marilia Santos - Santos, M - <Mariliapsi@hotmail.com>
• Amanda Tabosa Pereira da Silva - Silva, ATP - <amandatabosa@gmail.com>
• Jaqueline Galdino Albuquerque Perrelli - Perrelli, JGA - <jaquelinealbuquerque@hotmail.com>
• Everton Botelho Sougey - SOUGEY, E.B. - <everton.sougey@ufpe.br>


An object oriented analysis on scientific literature regarding the main factors associated to suicidal behavior in children up until 14 years-old. It is an integrated review of literature on the main factors associated with suicide in children. The following database was researched: Pubmed and Psycinfo referred to the period of 1980 to 2016, with the following descriptors: “risk of suicide”; “children”; “suicide”; “childhood”. They filled the eligibility criteria of the revision of 29 articles that were ed and analyzed. The results indicate there is association of suicide with neurobiological, school, social and mental factors, and amongst them the role of impulsiveness stands out. The results found suggest that the majority of vulnerability factors to suicidal behavior can be prevented as long as they are identified, and the child receives psychological and medical treatment. We conclude that family conflicts, school problems, bullying, impulsivity and depression are associated with childhood suicide. It has been concluded that there are still scarce research in the national field around the suicide theme, which can contribute to the invisibility of this theme when establishing promotion and health treatment programs.


suicide; childhood; children; suicidal behavior; risk of suicide


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