0514/2018 - The participation of cohabitants with sickle cell disease in health care: A bibliographic study.
A participação dos conviventes com a doença falciforme na atenção à saúde: Um estudo bibliográfico.


• Winnie Samanú de Lima Lopes - Lopes, W.S.L - <winnie.samanu@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2433-0103


• Romeu Gomes - Gomes, R. - <romeugo@gmail.com>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3100-8091


The scope of this article was to analyze the published scientific production about persons to live with sickle cell disease (SCD) and their families, about the autonomy around therapeutic choices besides the social aspects. The bibliographical research was used the descriptors “sickle cell disease” and “participation”. In terms of results, the following themes appeared: (1) Experience of illness, highlighting the coexistence and ethnic-racial issues; (2) Participation in research and the view of health professionals about the SCD; and (3) Autonomy of acquaintanceship and and decision making.It is concluded that the promotion of the participation of these people in the studies, either in an instrumental way, or to better contextualise the results, or even to enrich the authors\' conclusions, can - intentionally or not - contribute to the greater visibility of the problem which involves being a carrier of DF for the subjects and their relatives. It is also necessary to analyze intersectionally the entire context of the acquaintanceship.


Sickle Cell Disease; Participation, Review Literature; Qualitative Research


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Lopes, W.S.L, Gomes, R.. The participation of cohabitants with sickle cell disease in health care: A bibliographic study.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/Dec). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/the-participation-of-cohabitants-with-sickle-cell-disease-in-health-care-a-bibliographic-study/17047

