2151/2012 - The relation between public health and ciberculture
A interface entre Saúde Pública e Cibercultura


• Eduardo jorge sant ana honorato - Honorato, E.J.S. - Manaus, AM - Instituto Fernandes Figueira - Fiocruz - <eduhonorato@hotmail.com>

Thematic Area:

História e Saúde


This opinion article proposes a reflection on how the relation between cyberculture and public health and their use as a way of research, not only as an instrument. Cyberculture is a new form of relationship between people. And it‘s "by" and "through" social relations that individuals acquire skills and communication techniques. They move the relational forms, the means, but the purpose remains the same: to be in contact with other humans. In recent decades, with the advent of computer, Internet and all the technological apparatus, human relationships are seen brokered by them, something which characterizes current, called cyberculture. This now affects all areas of activity and public health can not be left out, understanding this and its benefits to their development. We need to be aware of these changes and bring them from the theoretical to the practical level, not only implementing public health policies but take into account the socio-virtual, but also, as professionals, to update them on new forms of communication, interaction , research methodology, preparation of instruments, sampling approaches and all other phenomena arising from the cyberculture that will work in partnership with public health.


ciberculture public health research


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