0314/2017 - Three decades of hospital epidemiology and the challenge of integrating health surveillance: Reflectionsa case.
Três décadas de epidemiologia hospitalar e o desafio da integração da vigilância em saúde: Reflexões a partir de um caso.


• Claudia Caminha Escosteguy - Escosteguy, CC - <cescosteguy@globo.com>


• Alessandra Gonçalves Lisbôa Pereira - Pereira, AGL - <alepereira.md@gmail.com>
• Roberto Andrade Medronho - Medronho, RA - <robertoamedronho@gmail.com>


This study proposes a reflection on the uses and perspectives of hospital health surveillance based on the report of a pioneering experience in hospital epidemiology, which served as the basis for the creation of epidemiologic surveillance units in Municipal and State hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. This epidemiology service integrates epidemiologic surveillance actions, continuing education, in-service training, research and health service evaluation since 1986. The service integrates the national epidemiologic surveillance network, having notified 55,747 cases1986 to 2016, most of them through active search. Integrating the various levels of health surveillance and care rationalizes and makes it more agile control activities concerning the reportable diseases, and provides quality assessment tools. The Information System on Reportable Diseases - SINAN has been a useful tool at the local level, including for service evaluation activities. The important role in training human resources is evidenced through the training of 1,835 medical interns and 78 residents until 2016. Besides, this experience has served as the basis for the implantation of several other hospital epidemiologic surveillance units.


Epidemiological Surveillance, Public Health Surveillance, Epidemiologic Surveillance Services, Epidemiology, Health Evaluation


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Escosteguy, CC, Pereira, AGL, Medronho, RA. Three decades of hospital epidemiology and the challenge of integrating health surveillance: Reflectionsa case.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/Sep). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/three-decades-of-hospital-epidemiology-and-the-challenge-of-integrating-health-surveillance-reflectionsa-case/16366?id=16366

