0157/2021 - Validity evidences of a Brazilian version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale
Evidências de validade de uma versão brasileira da Fear of COVID-19 Scale


• Rodrigo Sanches Peres - Peres, R. S. - <rodrigosanchesperes@ufu.br, rodrigosanchesperes@yahoo.com.br>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2957-7554


• Loriane Trombini Frick - Frick, L. T. - <loriane.trombini.frick@gmail.com>
• Francine Nathalie Ferraresi Queluz - Queluz, F. N. F. - <francine.queluz@gmail.com>
• Sheyla Christine Santos Fernandes - Fernandes, S. C. S. - <sheyla.fernandes@ip.ufal.br>
• Sidnei Rinaldo Priolo-Filho - Priolo-Filho, S. R. - <sdpriolo@gmail.com, sidnei.fiho@utp.br>
• Ana Carina Stelko Pereira - Pereira, A. C. S. - <anastelko@gmail.com>
• Jucimara Zacarias Martins - Martins, J. Z. - <jucimarazms@gmail.com>
• João Paulo Araújo Lessa - Lessa, J. P. A. - <lessa.jpa@gmail.com>
• Heila Magali da Silva - da Silva, H. M. - <heila.veiga@ufu.br>
• Pedro Afonso Cortez - Cortez, P. A. C. - <cor.afonso@gmail.com>


The present study aimed to analyze validity evidences of a Brazilian version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S), based on indicators concerning to: (1) internal structure; (2) internal consistency; (3) relationship with external variables; and (4) content. The instrument was culturally adapted, focusing on the semantic and linguistic aspects of Brazil. Then, this Brazilian version of the FCV-19S was applied, in a virtual environment, to 211 participants (72.98% female) with an average age of 37.07 years (SD = 13.03), together with the Self-Perception Questionnaire on Mental Health in Pandemic and the Sociodemographic and Functional Questionnaire. The confirmatory factor analysis attested unidimensionality. The internal consistency indexes obtained (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.921; McDonald’s omega = 0.926) can be considered high. It was found statistically significant correlation between fear and obsessive thinking, generalized anxiety, generalized stress, phobic-avoidant behavior and bereavement due the pandemic. Evidence of validity related to content, deriveda qualitative approach, can be considered satisfactory. It is concluded that this Brazilian version of the FCV-19S proved to be adequate regarding the validity evidences contemplated.


Fear; Validation Studies; COVID-19; Pandemics


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Peres, R. S., Frick, L. T., Queluz, F. N. F., Fernandes, S. C. S., Priolo-Filho, S. R., Pereira, A. C. S., Martins, J. Z., Lessa, J. P. A., da Silva, H. M., Cortez, P. A. C.. Validity evidences of a Brazilian version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/Apr). [Citado em 27/09/2024]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/validity-evidences-of-a-brazilian-version-of-the-fear-of-covid19-scale/18056

