0203/2012 - Watching, listening and sharing: Field work for psychosocial autopsies
Observar, ouvir, compartilhar: trabalho de campo para autópsias psicossociais


• Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo - Minayo, M.C.S - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Fundação oswaldo Cruz - <maminayo@terra.com.br> +
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6187-9301


• Sonia Grubits de Oliveira - Grubits - UCDB - <sgrubits@uol.com.br>
• Fatima Gonçalves Cavalcante - CAVALCANTE,FG - Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - Universidade Veiga de Almeida - <fatimagold7x7@yahoo.com.br> +

Thematic Area:

Saúde Mental


The article describes the phases of realization of the research “Is it possible to prevent the anticipation of the end? Elderly suicide in Brazil and the possibilities of operation of the Health Area” field work done in ten cities in five regions of the country. The sample comprises 51 psychosocial autopsies of five elder people that died by suicide in nine localities aand six in one of them. Eighty-four family members were interviewed. A semi structured script denominated psychosocial autopsy and observation of context were used. Each interview lasted an average of 60 minutes and, in the majority of the cases, there was more than one encounter with family members. The study was built through a collective process that covered sharing of the bibliographic review, discussion of the sample frame, approach strategies, field results and empiric analysis. This article highlights the theoretical, conceptual and practical preparation of researchers and production and standardization of instruments; information about existing data sources and which ones are actually used; introduction of institutional credentials; entry in the context of the families, hardships and strategies for the realization of empiric study; entrance and exit of field; and impact of the research on the investigators.


Psychological autopsy psychosocial autopsy suicide elderly


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Minayo, M.C.S, Grubits, CAVALCANTE,FG. Watching, listening and sharing: Field work for psychosocial autopsies. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/Mar). [Citado em 21/01/2025]. Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/en/articles/watching-listening-and-sharing-field-work-for-psychosocial-autopsies/9733?id=9733

