To read the guidelines, download the PDFs below or click on 'Submission guidelines'.
Submission rules Normas de submissão Normas de presentaciónThe submission fee for national articles is R$100.00 and for international articles it is US$25.00. The fee will not be refunded if the material is rejected. There is no publication fee.
Access the payment platformWhen you access the system's home page, you'll have to click on Create An Account to register and then submit the article. But make sure you unblock your browser's pop-up blocker first, otherwise it won't let you log in. You will need to register a password that must be exactly 8 alphanumeric characters long and then you will have access to submitting your article. If you are the only author submitting the article, you must enter your Orcid in your registration, as this is mandatory for the author submitting the article. In the field for attaching article files, proof of payment of the submission fee must be attached as a supplemental file NOT for review.
Access the ScholarOne platformAfter submission, the article is first reviewed for standards and a pre-assessment of scope, and the article may be rejected or sent for evaluation. This first analysis takes an average of one month, if the article has no pending standards, if it does, then the article will be returned to the author for adjustments. When it goes for evaluation, it takes an average of at least three months to get an opinion that can be approved with corrections, in which case it takes a little longer to finalise.
If the article is approved, it will await publication on a first-come, first-served basis. While awaiting publication, only the textual part is available in print.
Please note! Only in the case of an open call for proposals published on the website is there a deadline for submission, and the form of submission is different, it is by e-mail, according to the information published about that particular call for proposals. There is no fee for open calls for proposals that have their own funding; you only pay if the article is approved and the call for proposals does not have its own funding. However, if the article is to take part in a call for proposals, the author must send the article files in accordance with the rules, only to the e-mail address provided in the details of the call for proposals.