0222/2016 - A breve vida do Norplant® no Brasil: controvérsias e reagregações entre ciência, sociedade e Estado The short life of Norplant in Brazil: controversies and aggregations between science, society and the State
• Claudia Bonan Jannotti - Bonan, C. - Instituto Nacional da Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Ferreira / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IFF/FIOCRUZ) - <cbonan@globo.com> ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8695-6828
• Luiz Antonio Teixeira - Teixeira, Luiz Antonio - FioCruz, COC - <luiztei3@gmail.com>
Norplant® é a marca do primeiro implante hormonal subdérmico contraceptivo registrado no mundo, desenvolvido nos laboratórios do Population Council, organização internacional direcionada ao tema da fertilidade e crescimento populacional. O artigo revisita a trajetória deste contraceptivo no Brasil desde sua chegada, através de pesquisas clínicas, até sua proibição em 1986 pelo órgão brasileiro responsável por medicamentos na ocasião. Sua circulação gerou controvérsias relacionadas a práticas de pesquisa, efeitos colaterais e usos políticos do método. Este artigo concentra sua análise nas divergências relacionadas com as práticas de pesquisa. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de controvérsia, revisitando as versões dos envolvidos, investigando suas compreensões e os efeitos que este objeto produziu em suas redes. O Norplant® provocou deslocamentos e associações entre grupos da sociedade, autoridades do Estado, cientistas e médicos, indústria, produtos farmacêuticos, procedimentos de pesquisas, instrumentos burocráticos, usuárias de contraceptivos. Estilos de pensamento médico científicos foram sacudidos e novas formas de pensar autonomia científica começaram a ser discutidas no país.
sociedade e Estado
ética em pesquisa
saúde sexual e reprodutiva
Norplant is the hallmark of the first contraceptive subdermal hormonal implant registered in the world, developed in the laboratories of the Population Council, an international organization directed to the subject of fertility and population growth. The article revisits the history of the contraceptive in Brazil since his arrival, through clinical research until its ban in 1986 by the Brazilian agency responsible for drugs at the time. Circulation generated controversies relating to research practices, side effects and political uses of the method. This article focuses its analysis of the differences related to the clinical research practices. We used the controversy analysis technique, revisiting versions of those involved, investigating their understanding and the effects that this object produced in their networks. The Norplant caused displacement and associations between social groups, state officials, scientists and doctors, industry, pharmaceuticals, research procedures, bureaucratic instruments, contraceptive users. Scientific medical thinking styles were shaken and new ways of thinking scientific autonomy began to be discussed in the country.
society and the state
research ethics
sexual and reproductive health
The short life of Norplant in Brazil: controversies and aggregations between science, society and the State
Resumo (abstract):
Norplant is the hallmark of the first contraceptive subdermal hormonal implant registered in the world, developed in the laboratories of the Population Council, an international organization directed to the subject of fertility and population growth. The article revisits the history of the contraceptive in Brazil since his arrival, through clinical research until its ban in 1986 by the Brazilian agency responsible for drugs at the time. Circulation generated controversies relating to research practices, side effects and political uses of the method. This article focuses its analysis of the differences related to the clinical research practices. We used the controversy analysis technique, revisiting versions of those involved, investigating their understanding and the effects that this object produced in their networks. The Norplant caused displacement and associations between social groups, state officials, scientists and doctors, industry, pharmaceuticals, research procedures, bureaucratic instruments, contraceptive users. Scientific medical thinking styles were shaken and new ways of thinking scientific autonomy began to be discussed in the country.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
society and the state
research ethics
sexual and reproductive health
Pimentel, Ana, Bonan, C., Teixeira, Luiz Antonio, Gaudenzi, Paula. A breve vida do Norplant® no Brasil: controvérsias e reagregações entre ciência, sociedade e Estado. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mai). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-breve-vida-do-norplant-no-brasil-controversias-e-reagregacoes-entre-ciencia-sociedade-e-estado/15647?id=15647