0417/2017 - A Glance in Hepatitis C Policy in Brazil: Access and Performance. Um Olhar sobre as Políticas de Hepatite C no Brasil: Acesso e Performance.
Pagamento por performance (P4P) é um modelo de cuidado à saúde onde profissionais e organizações são compensados ao atingirem indicadores previamente estabelecidos. No Brasil, P4P chegou ao tratamento da hepatite C (HCV), dando a possibilidade de discutir outros tópicos relevantes no artigo publicado por Chaves et al., intitulado “Compras públicas de medicamentos para hepatite C no Brasil no período de 2005 a 2015”. Tão pouco o acesso ao tratamento de HCV como menores custos garantem um melhor cuidado à saúde. O Brasil está no caminho de realizar P4P e gestão de riscos compartilhada, ao promover a prevenção da transmissão, ao atualizar guidelines, engajar professionais da saúde, indústria, instituições e analistas de dados de vida real a trabalharem juntos rumo à supressão viral sustentada de HCV. Essa será a chave para melhorar, de fato, a morbimortalidade relacionada a doenças virais hepáticas no Brasil.
hepatite c; pagamento por performance; antivirais; dados de vida real; Brasil.
Payment for performance (P4P) is a model of health care professionals and organizations are compensated by achieving predetermined performance measures. In Brazil, P4P has recently come to hepatitis virus C (HCV) treatment, providing the chance for an add-on discussion a previous paper published by Chaves et al., entitled “Public procurement of hepatitis C medicines in Brazil2005 to 2015”. Neither access to HCV nor lower costs preclude better health care. Brazil is on the way of P4P and risk sharing, by promoting HCV prevention, updating HCV guidelines, engaging professionals, industry, health institutions and Real World Data analysts to work towards HCV sustained viral remission. That will be the key to truly improve viral liver diseases-induced morbimortality in Brazil.
hepatitis c virus; payment for performance; direct-acting antivirals; real world data; Brazil.
Um Olhar sobre as Políticas de Hepatite C no Brasil: Acesso e Performance.
Resumo (abstract):
Payment for performance (P4P) is a model of health care professionals and organizations are compensated by achieving predetermined performance measures. In Brazil, P4P has recently come to hepatitis virus C (HCV) treatment, providing the chance for an add-on discussion a previous paper published by Chaves et al., entitled “Public procurement of hepatitis C medicines in Brazil2005 to 2015”. Neither access to HCV nor lower costs preclude better health care. Brazil is on the way of P4P and risk sharing, by promoting HCV prevention, updating HCV guidelines, engaging professionals, industry, health institutions and Real World Data analysts to work towards HCV sustained viral remission. That will be the key to truly improve viral liver diseases-induced morbimortality in Brazil.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
hepatitis c virus; payment for performance; direct-acting antivirals; real world data; Brazil.
Okumura, LM, Rosim, MP, Riveros, BS, Lucchetta, RC, Pedro, GO, Nita, ME. A Glance in Hepatitis C Policy in Brazil: Access and Performance.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-glance-in-hepatitis-c-policy-in-brazil-access-and-performance/16469?id=16469