0229/2021 - Agenda 2030, saúde e sistemas alimentares em tempos de sindemia: da vulnerabilização à transformação necessária Agenda 2030, health and food systems in times of syndemics:vulnerabilities to necessary changes
O artigo, uma mescla de ensaio e revisão narrativa, analisa a relação entre a Agenda 2030, os sistemas alimentares e sua relevância para a saúde global e coletiva. O conceito de sindemia contextualiza a pandemia de Covid-19 em relação com a pobreza e a injustiça social, mas também revela a sinergia com outras pandemias relacionadas ao avanço do sistema alimentar global: de desnutrição, de obesidade e das mudanças climáticas, as quais possuem forte influência do modelo dominante de agricultura. Lançamos mão, também, de quatro conceitos estratégicos para pensar a transição em direção a sistemas alimentares saudáveis e sustentáveis: sistema alimentar, segurança alimentar e nutricional (SAN), direito humano à alimentação adequada (DHAA) e agroecologia. Em seguida, cotejamos relatórios e dados internacionais que sistematizam estudos sobre as crescentes ameaças decorrentes do modelo dominante de agricultura, frequentemente negadas por setores econômicos poderosos e grupos neoconservadores. Também destacamos desafios colocados em diferentes escalas, do global ao local, para que políticas públicas e mobilizações sociais desenvolvidas nas últimas duas décadas possam resistir e se reinventar na construção de sociedades mais justas.
desenvolvimento sustentável, alimento, dieta e nutrição, promoção da saúde, agricultura sustentável, agroecologia
This article, an essay, analyzes the relationship between the 2030 Agenda, food systems and their relevance to global and collective health. The concept of syndemics contextualizes the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to poverty and social injustice, but it also reveals the synergy with other pandemics related to the advancement of the global food system: malnutrition, obesity and climate change, which all have strong influence of the dominant model of agriculture. We also use four strategic concepts to think about the transition towards healthy and sustainable food systems: food system, food and nutrition security (FNS), human right to adequate food (HRAF) and agroecology. Then, we gather international reports and data that systematize studies on the growing threats posed by the dominant agricultural model, often denied by powerful economic sectors and neoconservative groups. We also highlight challenges posed at different scales, from global to local, so that public policies and social mobilizations developed in the last two decades can resist and reinvent themselves in the construction of fairer societies.
sustainable development; diet, food, and nutrition; health promotion; sustainable agriculture; agroecology.
Agenda 2030, health and food systems in times of syndemics:vulnerabilities to necessary changes
Resumo (abstract):
This article, an essay, analyzes the relationship between the 2030 Agenda, food systems and their relevance to global and collective health. The concept of syndemics contextualizes the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to poverty and social injustice, but it also reveals the synergy with other pandemics related to the advancement of the global food system: malnutrition, obesity and climate change, which all have strong influence of the dominant model of agriculture. We also use four strategic concepts to think about the transition towards healthy and sustainable food systems: food system, food and nutrition security (FNS), human right to adequate food (HRAF) and agroecology. Then, we gather international reports and data that systematize studies on the growing threats posed by the dominant agricultural model, often denied by powerful economic sectors and neoconservative groups. We also highlight challenges posed at different scales, from global to local, so that public policies and social mobilizations developed in the last two decades can resist and reinvent themselves in the construction of fairer societies.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
sustainable development; diet, food, and nutrition; health promotion; sustainable agriculture; agroecology.
Búrigo, A.C., Porto, M.F.S. Agenda 2030, saúde e sistemas alimentares em tempos de sindemia: da vulnerabilização à transformação necessária. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/jul). [Citado em 19/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/agenda-2030-saude-e-sistemas-alimentares-em-tempos-de-sindemia-da-vulnerabilizacao-a-transformacao-necessaria/18128?id=18128