O texto discute modos de compreensão de ocorrências sanitárias complexas, como a pandemia envolvendo o SARS-CoV-2. Entende que a simplificação do problema ao ponto de valorizar exclusivamente os desfechos dessas ocorrências à existência de um patógeno e um humano suscetível diminui em muito a efetividade das estratégias de mitigação. Sustenta a necessidade de enfatizar as interfaces que estão presentes na construção da complexidade pandêmica e as compreende como elementos centrais no seu enfrentamento. Compreende essas interfaces como elementos estruturais do processo e relativiza as estratégias simplificadoras expressas em “balas de prata”, mormente produtos industriais. Finalmente, circunscreve esse ponto de vista ao exame da interface entre as tecnologias industriais de saúde e as variáveis políticas que modulam o acesso da população àqueles produtos.
Políticas; Planejamento e Administração em Saúde; Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade; Epidemiologia; Saúde Coletiva
The paper discusses two ways of understanding a complex sanitary process, as the pandemics envolving SARS–CoV-2. It supports that the simplification of the whole proccess to the point of considering it just a consequence of a contact between a pathogen and a susceptible human being usually weakens the effectiveness of the mitigation strategies. It emphasizes the importance of taking into account the importance of the interfaces which take part in the pandemic proccess and to consider them as structural variables. In consequence, it criticizes the notion of a “silver bullet” – usually an industrial health product – which were able to bring the pandemic to a happy end. In order to develop that point of view, the text focuses on the interfaces between industrial technologies and some policy constraints that impairs population access to those products.
Policies; Health Planning and Management; Science, Technology and Society; Epidemiology; Collective Health
Interfaces and “Silver Bullets”: Technologies and Policies
Resumo (abstract):
The paper discusses two ways of understanding a complex sanitary process, as the pandemics envolving SARS–CoV-2. It supports that the simplification of the whole proccess to the point of considering it just a consequence of a contact between a pathogen and a susceptible human being usually weakens the effectiveness of the mitigation strategies. It emphasizes the importance of taking into account the importance of the interfaces which take part in the pandemic proccess and to consider them as structural variables. In consequence, it criticizes the notion of a “silver bullet” – usually an industrial health product – which were able to bring the pandemic to a happy end. In order to develop that point of view, the text focuses on the interfaces between industrial technologies and some policy constraints that impairs population access to those products.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Policies; Health Planning and Management; Science, Technology and Society; Epidemiology; Collective Health
Guimarães, R. As Interfaces e as “Balas de Prata”: Tecnologias e Políticas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jun). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/as-interfaces-e-as-balas-de-prata-tecnologias-e-politicas/17645?id=17645&id=17645