0241/2019 - Associação do consumo regular de café da manhã e comportamentos relacionados à saúde em adolescentes. Association of regular consumption of breakfast and health related behavior in adolescents.
Objetivou-se estimar a frequência do consumo regular de café da manhã (5 ou mais vezes na semana) entre adolescentes e investigar sua associação com variáveis demográficas, turno escolar e trabalho, comportamentos relacionados à saúde, práticas alimentares e consumo de alimentos. Foi realizado estudo transversal em 30 escolas estaduais de Curitiba, Paraná, com participação de 1.232 adolescentes. A prevalência de consumo regular de café da manhã foi de 58,6% (IC95% 53,9; 63,2). Após análise ajustada observou-se maior consumo regular de café da manhã entre adolescentes que: frequentavam os turnos vespertino e intermediário/integral; realizavam atividade física supervisionada; referiram dormir mais que 8 horas/noite; relataram almoçar e jantar com a família todos os dias e; realizavam 4 refeições ou mais por dia. A frequência semanal do café da manhã foi associada ao maior consumo de leite e derivados, e ao menor consumo de macarrão instantâneo e refrigerantes. Destaca-se que o hábito de realizar o desjejum esteve associado com práticas alimentares e hábitos saudáveis, reforçando seu valor enquanto marcador de outros comportamentos relacionados à saúde. Sua realização deve ser incentivada entre os adolescentes.
The objective of this study was to estimate the frequency of regular breakfast consumption (5 or more times a week) among adolescents and to investigate its association with demographic variables, school shift and job, health-related behaviors, eating practices and food consumption. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 30 state schools in Curitiba, Paraná, with participation of 1,232 adolescents. The prevalence of regular breakfast consumption was 58.6% (95% CI 53,9, 63.2). After the adjusted analysis, a higher regular breakfast consumption it was observed among adolescents who: attended the afternoon and intermediate/full shifts; performed supervised physical activity; reported sleeping more than 8 hours/night; reported having lunch and dinner with the family every day and; do 4 meals or more per day. The weekly frequency of breakfast was associated with higher consumption of milk and dairy products and the lower consumption of instant noodles and soft drinks. It is noteworthy that the habit of performing breakfast was associated with healthy eating practices and habits, reinforcing its values as a marker of other health-related behaviors. Its achievement should be encouraged among adolescents.
Association of regular consumption of breakfast and health related behavior in adolescents.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this study was to estimate the frequency of regular breakfast consumption (5 or more times a week) among adolescents and to investigate its association with demographic variables, school shift and job, health-related behaviors, eating practices and food consumption. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 30 state schools in Curitiba, Paraná, with participation of 1,232 adolescents. The prevalence of regular breakfast consumption was 58.6% (95% CI 53,9, 63.2). After the adjusted analysis, a higher regular breakfast consumption it was observed among adolescents who: attended the afternoon and intermediate/full shifts; performed supervised physical activity; reported sleeping more than 8 hours/night; reported having lunch and dinner with the family every day and; do 4 meals or more per day. The weekly frequency of breakfast was associated with higher consumption of milk and dairy products and the lower consumption of instant noodles and soft drinks. It is noteworthy that the habit of performing breakfast was associated with healthy eating practices and habits, reinforcing its values as a marker of other health-related behaviors. Its achievement should be encouraged among adolescents.
Simões, A.M, Machado, C.O, Hofelmann, D.A.. Associação do consumo regular de café da manhã e comportamentos relacionados à saúde em adolescentes.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/ago). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associacao-do-consumo-regular-de-cafe-da-manha-e-comportamentos-relacionados-a-saude-em-adolescentes/17315?id=17315