0354/2019 - Caracterização dos pontos de venda de bebidas alcoólicas no entorno de escolas estaduais. Characterization of alcohol outlets within school environment.
O objetivo foi caracterizar o entorno das escolas estaduais de Curitiba em relação à comercialização de bebidas alcoólicas, e investigar a associação com indicadores socioeconômicos dos locais. Estudo transversal com coleta de dados primários, nos estabelecimentos comerciais do entorno de 30 escolas estaduais do município. Aplicou-se questionário para descrever as características dos locais em relação à disponibilidade de bebidas alcóolicas. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva e estimado o coeficiente de regressão (beta), por meio de modelos multiníveis mistos, das características dos entornos e renda. Foram avaliados 200 estabelecimentos, 66,0% comercializavam bebidas alcoólicas. Dos locais avaliados, 52 (39,4%) foram pontos de venda para consumo de álcool no local, e 80 (60,6%) para consumo fora do local. Esta última categoria, comercializava bebidas alcoólicas com menores preços. Observou-se maior frequência de cafés (?= 0,21; IC95%: 0,04; 0,36), restaurantes (?= 0,05; IC95%: 0,01; 0,08) e bancas de revista (?= 0,08; IC95%: 0,02; 0,13) nos entornos de maior renda. Enquanto nas escolas localizadas em bairros de menor renda, mercados de bairro e bares foram mais frequentes. Observou-se presença de estabelecimentos que comercializavam bebidas alcoólicas nas proximidades das escolas avaliadas.
Bebidas alcoólicas. Comércio. Ambiente. Escola.
The objective was to characterize the surroundings of the state schools of Curitiba in relation to the commercialization of alcoholic beverages, and to investigate the association with socioeconomic indicators of the places. Cross-sectional study with primary data collection, in commercial establishments around 30 state schools in the municipality. A questionnaire was applied to describe the characteristics of the sites in relation to the availability of alcoholic beverages. A descriptive analysis was performed and the coefficient of regression (beta) was estimated through mixed multilevel models of the characteristics of the environments and income. 200 establishments were evaluated, 66.0% commercialized alcoholic beverages. Of the sites evaluated, 52 (39.4%) were points of sale for alcohol consumption at the site, and 80 (60.6%) for off-site consumption. The latter category sold alcoholic beverages at lower prices. There were higher frequencies of coffees (β = 0.21, 95% CI: 0.04, 0.36), restaurants (β = 0.05, CI95%: 0.01; β = 0.08, 95% CI: 0.02, 0.13) in higher income environments. While in schools located in lower income neighborhoods, neighborhood markets and bars were more frequent. There were establishments that marketed alcoholic beverages in the vicinity of the schools evaluated.
Characterization of alcohol outlets within school environment.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective was to characterize the surroundings of the state schools of Curitiba in relation to the commercialization of alcoholic beverages, and to investigate the association with socioeconomic indicators of the places. Cross-sectional study with primary data collection, in commercial establishments around 30 state schools in the municipality. A questionnaire was applied to describe the characteristics of the sites in relation to the availability of alcoholic beverages. A descriptive analysis was performed and the coefficient of regression (beta) was estimated through mixed multilevel models of the characteristics of the environments and income. 200 establishments were evaluated, 66.0% commercialized alcoholic beverages. Of the sites evaluated, 52 (39.4%) were points of sale for alcohol consumption at the site, and 80 (60.6%) for off-site consumption. The latter category sold alcoholic beverages at lower prices. There were higher frequencies of coffees (β = 0.21, 95% CI: 0.04, 0.36), restaurants (β = 0.05, CI95%: 0.01; β = 0.08, 95% CI: 0.02, 0.13) in higher income environments. While in schools located in lower income neighborhoods, neighborhood markets and bars were more frequent. There were establishments that marketed alcoholic beverages in the vicinity of the schools evaluated.
Cardoza, L.M.S, Santos, D.S, Hofelmann, D.A.. Caracterização dos pontos de venda de bebidas alcoólicas no entorno de escolas estaduais.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/nov). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/caracterizacao-dos-pontos-de-venda-de-bebidas-alcoolicas-no-entorno-de-escolas-estaduais/17428?id=17428