0392/2017 - Construção participativa da política estadual de promoção de saúde: Caso de minas gerais. Participatory construction of the state health promotion policy: Case of minas gerais.
A partir da Revisão da Política Nacional de Promoção de Saúde (PNPS), Minas Gerais desencadeou a elaboração da Política Estadual de Promoção da Saúde (POEPS), utilizando a metodologia preconizada durante o processo Nacional adaptada às realidades do Estado. Trata-se de um relato de caso, a partir da análise documental do material produzido nas 38 oficinas com a participação de 1.157 integrantes, em todo o Estado. A primeira oficina foi Intrasetorial, na Secretaria de Estado de Saúde (SES-MG), a segunda foi a Intersetorial com participação de várias Secretarias de Estado de Minas Gerais e a última com participação das Referências Técnicas Regionais do Estado. Outras 35 oficinas foram desenvolvidas nas 28 regionais do Estado. Os resultados foram sistematizados e consolidados a partir da Matriz Analítica utilizada na PNPS, gerando o documento base da POEPS-MG. É importante destacar que, as demandas regionais, específicas, identificadas durante o processo de construção da Política reforçam a riqueza de desenvolver, de forma inovadora, democrática e participativa, ações que possam dar sentido à Promoção da Saúde no Estado de Minas Gerais. A Política Estadual busca tornar viva a PNPS, além de adequá-la à realidade do território e de fortalecê-la com a garantia de recursos orçamentários.
Promoção da Saúde, Política Pública, Participação Social, Financiamento.
Based on the review of the National Health Promotion Policy (NHPP), Minas Gerais initiated the development of the Minas Gerais Health Promotion Policy (HPP-MG) using the methodology recommended in the National process adapted to the realities of the state. A pre-conceived methodology was used in the national process adapted to the realities of the State. This is a case report, based on the documentary analysis of the material produced in the 38 workshops with a participation of 1.157 members, throughout the State. The first workshop was Intrasetorial, at the State Department of Health (SDH-MG), a second one was an intersectoral workshop with the participation of several State Secretaries of Minas Gerais and a final communion of the Regional Technical References of the State. Another 35 workshops and enterprises in the 28 regional state. The results were systematized and consolidatedthe Analytical Matrix in NHPP, generating the base document of HPP-MG. It is important to highlight that, as specific regional requirements identified during the process of construction of the Policy reinforce the wealth of development, in an innovative, democratic and participative way, actions of the Health Promotion sector in the State of Minas Gerais. The State Policy was adapted it to the reality of the territory and strengthening it - with the guarantee of budgetary resources.
Health Promotion, Public Policy, Social Participation, Funding
Participatory construction of the state health promotion policy: Case of minas gerais.
Resumo (abstract):
Based on the review of the National Health Promotion Policy (NHPP), Minas Gerais initiated the development of the Minas Gerais Health Promotion Policy (HPP-MG) using the methodology recommended in the National process adapted to the realities of the state. A pre-conceived methodology was used in the national process adapted to the realities of the State. This is a case report, based on the documentary analysis of the material produced in the 38 workshops with a participation of 1.157 members, throughout the State. The first workshop was Intrasetorial, at the State Department of Health (SDH-MG), a second one was an intersectoral workshop with the participation of several State Secretaries of Minas Gerais and a final communion of the Regional Technical References of the State. Another 35 workshops and enterprises in the 28 regional state. The results were systematized and consolidatedthe Analytical Matrix in NHPP, generating the base document of HPP-MG. It is important to highlight that, as specific regional requirements identified during the process of construction of the Policy reinforce the wealth of development, in an innovative, democratic and participative way, actions of the Health Promotion sector in the State of Minas Gerais. The State Policy was adapted it to the reality of the territory and strengthening it - with the guarantee of budgetary resources.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health Promotion, Public Policy, Social Participation, Funding
Campos, DSL, Turci, MA, Melo, EM, Guerra, VA, Nascimento, CGM, Moreira, CA, Paschoal, EM, Beltrão, NBM. Construção participativa da política estadual de promoção de saúde: Caso de minas gerais.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/construcao-participativa-da-politica-estadual-de-promocao-de-saude-caso-de-minas-gerais/16444?id=16444