0085/2018 - Discursos sobre humanização: profissionais e usuários em uma instituição complexa de saúde. Speechs about humanization: professionals and users in a complex health institution.
O artigo apresenta os discursos de profissionais e usuários de uma instituição de pesquisa e assistência em saúde acerca da humanização. Foram entrevistados 16 profissionais e 44 usuários. As entrevistas foram analisadas pelo método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e discutidas à luz do referencial teórico que inclui a Teoria da ação comunicativa de Habermas e autores reconhecidos da saúde coletiva. Os achados apontam para a importância do conjunto de tecnologias duras, leve-duras e leves para a prática humanizada. O papel de articulação da ação comunicativa foi destacado, tanto para a formação de redes entre os profissionais, como na relação entre profissionais e pacientes. O fato de a instituição realizar pesquisa foi considerado pelos profissionais e usuários como fator que eleva a qualidade da assistência e contribui para a humanização. Usuários enfatizaram a importância da resolutividade para um atendimento humanizado e consideraram-se bem atendidos. Os profissionais destacaram as condições de trabalho e a autonomia de profissionais e de pacientes, com a valorização do saber de cada um. O trabalho intersetorial aparece como um importante desafio para o instituto e para o SUS.
humanização; ação comunicativa; redes de conversação; saúde pública; SUS
This paper discusses the concept of humanization trough the speech of professionals and users of a research and health care institution. 16 professionals and 44 users were interviewed. The analytical method employed was the Collective Subject Discourse, wich resaults were discussed based on the theoretical framework presented, which includes the Theory of communicative action of Habermas and recognized authorsPublic Health area. The findings point to the importance of the set of hard, light-hard and light technologies to the humanized practice. The articulation role played by communicative action was highlighted for the professionals interaction among their peers, so as in the relationship between professionals and patients. The practice of research was considered by professionals and users as a factor that increases the quality of care and contribute to the humanization. The attendance at the institute was considered good, both by practitioners and users, who emphasized the importance of resolutiveness for humanization. The intersectoral work appeared as a necessity and an important challenge for the Brazilian Health System (SUS).
humanization; communicative action; conversation networks; public health
Speechs about humanization: professionals and users in a complex health institution.
Resumo (abstract):
This paper discusses the concept of humanization trough the speech of professionals and users of a research and health care institution. 16 professionals and 44 users were interviewed. The analytical method employed was the Collective Subject Discourse, wich resaults were discussed based on the theoretical framework presented, which includes the Theory of communicative action of Habermas and recognized authorsPublic Health area. The findings point to the importance of the set of hard, light-hard and light technologies to the humanized practice. The articulation role played by communicative action was highlighted for the professionals interaction among their peers, so as in the relationship between professionals and patients. The practice of research was considered by professionals and users as a factor that increases the quality of care and contribute to the humanization. The attendance at the institute was considered good, both by practitioners and users, who emphasized the importance of resolutiveness for humanization. The intersectoral work appeared as a necessity and an important challenge for the Brazilian Health System (SUS).
Palavras-chave (keywords):
humanization; communicative action; conversation networks; public health
Ferreira, LR, Artmann, E.. Discursos sobre humanização: profissionais e usuários em uma instituição complexa de saúde.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/fev). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/discursos-sobre-humanizacao-profissionais-e-usuarios-em-uma-instituicao-complexa-de-saude/16618?id=16618