• Maria Meimei Brevidelli - Brevidelli MM - São Paulo, SP - Universidade Paulista - UNIP - <meimei@usp.br>
• Fernando Celso Garcia de Freitas - Garcia F. - Confederação Nacional de Serviços (CNS)- consultor - <fernando.garcia.freitas@gmail.com >
Área Temática:
Planejamento e Gestão em Saúde
Objetivos: avaliar o nível de saúde das Unidades da Federação (UFs) do Brasil, por meio de um indicador sintético - Índice de Desenvolvimento da Saúde (IDS). Métodos: o IDS foi composto pelas dimensões: (1) Recursos de saúde: disponibilidade e qualidade dos recursos de saúde; (2) Cobertura por atenção básica e saneamento; (3) Eficácia das políticas de saúde. Cada dimensão englobou um conjunto de indicadores obtidos em bases de dados nacionais. Resultados: Em 2005, o Brasil apresentava nível intermediário de desenvolvimento da saúde, tendo progredido de patamares inferiores, desde 1999. A maioria das UFs apresentava déficits em “recursos” e “cobertura”. A dimensão da “eficácia” mostrou-se altamente desenvolvida em todo Brasil. Conclusões: A construção do indicador sintético IDS possibilitou constatar deficiências e disparidades significativas na disponibilidade e qualidade dos recursos de saúde, em grande parte do território nacional. Esses resultados podem auxiliar gestores de saúde no desafio de tornar a saúde pública universal.
Indicadores de Saúde
Estatísticas de Saúde
Desigualdades de Saúde
Gestão em Saúde
Fatores Socioeconômicos
Estudos Ecológicos
Objective: Assess the health level in the states of Brazil, through the Index of Health Development (IHD). Methods: The IHD was composed by the dimensions: (1) Availability and quality of health resources; (2) Covering of Primary Care Programs and sanitation; (3) Effectiveness of health policies. Each dimension was composed of a set of indicators obtained in national databases. Results: In 2005, Brazil had an intermediate level of development of health, having progressed from a low level, since 1999. Most states had medium and low development, with deficits in resources and coverage. The dimension of effectiveness was highly developed nationwide. Conclusions: With the construction of a synthetic indicator (IHD) was established that most of the country there are severe deficiencies in the availability and quality of health resources. The results can help health managers on the challenging of making universal public health.
Health Indicators
Health Statistics
Health Inequalities
Health Management
Socioeconomic Factors
Ecological Studies
Ecological study on the development of health in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: Assess the health level in the states of Brazil, through the Index of Health Development (IHD). Methods: The IHD was composed by the dimensions: (1) Availability and quality of health resources; (2) Covering of Primary Care Programs and sanitation; (3) Effectiveness of health policies. Each dimension was composed of a set of indicators obtained in national databases. Results: In 2005, Brazil had an intermediate level of development of health, having progressed from a low level, since 1999. Most states had medium and low development, with deficits in resources and coverage. The dimension of effectiveness was highly developed nationwide. Conclusions: With the construction of a synthetic indicator (IHD) was established that most of the country there are severe deficiencies in the availability and quality of health resources. The results can help health managers on the challenging of making universal public health.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health Indicators
Health Statistics
Health Inequalities
Health Management
Socioeconomic Factors
Ecological Studies
Brevidelli MM, Garcia F.. Estudo ecológico sobre o desenvolvimento da saúde no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/jun). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/estudo-ecologico-sobre-o-desenvolvimento-da-saude-no-brasil/7608?id=7608