A insegurança alimentar é fonte de estresse diário, especialmente nas mulheres. Objetivou-se investigar associação entre sofrimento mental e insegurança alimentar em gestantes. Estudo transversal com gestantes do serviço público de saúde, independentemente do trimestre ou estratificação do risco gestacional em Colombo (PR), Brasil. Modelos de regressão de Poisson foram ajustados progressivamente para variáveis de exposição. A prevalência de sofrimento mental, entre os participantes (n = 513) foi de 50,1%, e esteve associada à insegurança alimentar leve (RP 1,34 (IC95% 1,12; 1,61) e moderada/ grave (RP 1,70; IC95% 1,33; 2,19). A variável que mais alterou a associação entre o desfecho e insegurança alimentar leve foi renda (-4,48%) e, para insegurança alimentar moderada/grave, escolaridade (-7,60%). Para insegurança alimentar leve e moderada/ grave, a maior redução ocorreu com as variáveis socioeconômicas 4,5% (RP 1,27; IC95% 1,05; 1,53) e 8,0% (RP 1,50; IC 95% 1,17; 1,93), respectivamente. A associação entre insegurança alimentar e sofrimento mental foi consistente, e aumentou com o grau de insegurança alimentar, com maior redução para as variáveis socioeconômicas.
Gravidez; Saúde mental; Segurança alimentar e nutricional; Estudos transversais.
Food Insecurity is a source of daily stress, especially in women. The aim was to investigate the association between mental distress and food insecurity in pregnant women. Cross-sectional study with pregnant women from the public health service, regardless risk stratification, or gestational trimester in Colombo (PR), Brazil. Poisson regression models were progressively adjusted for exposure variables. Results: Among the participating pregnant women (n = 513) the prevalence of mental distress was 50.1%; associated with mild food insecurity (PR 1.34 (95% CI 1.12; 1.61) and moderate/severe food insecurity (PR 1.70; 95% CI 1.33; 2.19). The variable that most changed the association between the outcome and mild food insecurity was income (-4.48%) and, for moderate/severe food insecurity, education (-7.60%). For mild and moderate/severe food insecurity, the greatest reduction occurred with socioeconomic variables 4.5% (PR 1.27; 95% CI 1.05; 1.53) and 8.0% (PR 1.50; 95% CI 1.17; 1.93), respectively. The association between food insecurity and mental distress was consistent, and increased with the degree of food insecurity, with a greater reduction for socioeconomic variables.
Pregnancy; Mental health; Food and nutrition security; Cross-sectional studies.
Resumo (abstract):
Food Insecurity is a source of daily stress, especially in women. The aim was to investigate the association between mental distress and food insecurity in pregnant women. Cross-sectional study with pregnant women from the public health service, regardless risk stratification, or gestational trimester in Colombo (PR), Brazil. Poisson regression models were progressively adjusted for exposure variables. Results: Among the participating pregnant women (n = 513) the prevalence of mental distress was 50.1%; associated with mild food insecurity (PR 1.34 (95% CI 1.12; 1.61) and moderate/severe food insecurity (PR 1.70; 95% CI 1.33; 2.19). The variable that most changed the association between the outcome and mild food insecurity was income (-4.48%) and, for moderate/severe food insecurity, education (-7.60%). For mild and moderate/severe food insecurity, the greatest reduction occurred with socioeconomic variables 4.5% (PR 1.27; 95% CI 1.05; 1.53) and 8.0% (PR 1.50; 95% CI 1.17; 1.93), respectively. The association between food insecurity and mental distress was consistent, and increased with the degree of food insecurity, with a greater reduction for socioeconomic variables.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Pregnancy; Mental health; Food and nutrition security; Cross-sectional studies.
HARMEL, B., Hofelmann, D. A.. MENTAL DISTRESS AND FOOD INSECURITY IN PREGNANCY. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/ago). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/mental-distress-and-food-insecurity-in-pregnancy/18172?id=18172