0078/2019 - O Complexo Regulador em Saúde do Distrito Federal e o desafio da integração entre os níveis assistenciais. The Regulatory Complex for Healthcare in Federal District, Brazil and the challenge for integrating levels of health care.
A integração entre os níveis de atenção é um desafio contínuo mesmo em sistemas de saúde consolidados e de alta performance. A reestruturação do sistema público de saúde do Distrito Federal, baseado no fortalecimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) e na reconfiguração da atenção especializada (ambulatorial e hospitalar) e de sua rede de urgência e emergência trouxe, como desafio, a necessidade de integração entre esses níveis. Fez-se necessária a criação de um dispositivo que desempenhasse o papel de gatekeeper conduzindo o acesso equânime, transparente e seguro para a atenção especializada e hospitalar. Neste sentido, foi estruturado o Complexo Regulador em Saúde do Distrito Federal (CRDF) e suas Centrais de Regulação (CR) para a execução de um processo regulatório de acesso para os serviços de internação hospitalar, ambulatorial (procedimentos e consultas especializadas), cirurgias eletivas, alta complexidade, transporte sanitário, urgências e transplantes de pacientes do Distrito Federal e de fora dele. Este artigo descreve o processo de implantação e implementação do CRDF e de suas CR, de forma a refletir sobre as potencialidades e desafios de seu papel enquanto instrumento de integração entre os níveis assistenciais de saúde.
Regulação em saúde; Acesso aos serviços de saúde; Redes de atenção à saúde; Coordenação de cuidados; Cuidado integral.
The integration among levels of care is a continuous challenge even in consolidated and high performance health systems. The reform of public health system of Distrito Federal, based on strengthening of primary health care associated to the reconfiguration of specialized attention (ambulatory and hospital) and of its of urgency and emergence network brought, as a challenge, the need for integration between these levels. Thus, it would be necessary to organize who perform the role of gatekeeper conducting or equanimous, transparent and safe access to specialized and hospital care. So, it is structured the Regulatory Complex in Health of Distrito Federal (CRDF) and its Centrais de Regulação (CR) for the execution of a regulatory process of access to care services like hospitalization, ambulatory (procedures and specialized consultations), elective surgery, complex procedures, sanitary transport, urgencies and transplants of patients of the Federal District and outside. This article discusses the process of CRDF’s implementing and its CR, in order to reflect on the potential and challenges of its role as an instrument of integration among the levels of care.
Health regulation; Health services accessibility; Health care networks; Coordination of care; Integrated care.
The Regulatory Complex for Healthcare in Federal District, Brazil and the challenge for integrating levels of health care.
Resumo (abstract):
The integration among levels of care is a continuous challenge even in consolidated and high performance health systems. The reform of public health system of Distrito Federal, based on strengthening of primary health care associated to the reconfiguration of specialized attention (ambulatory and hospital) and of its of urgency and emergence network brought, as a challenge, the need for integration between these levels. Thus, it would be necessary to organize who perform the role of gatekeeper conducting or equanimous, transparent and safe access to specialized and hospital care. So, it is structured the Regulatory Complex in Health of Distrito Federal (CRDF) and its Centrais de Regulação (CR) for the execution of a regulatory process of access to care services like hospitalization, ambulatory (procedures and specialized consultations), elective surgery, complex procedures, sanitary transport, urgencies and transplants of patients of the Federal District and outside. This article discusses the process of CRDF’s implementing and its CR, in order to reflect on the potential and challenges of its role as an instrument of integration among the levels of care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health regulation; Health services accessibility; Health care networks; Coordination of care; Integrated care.
Batista, SR, Vilarins, GCM, Lima, MG, Silveira, TB. O Complexo Regulador em Saúde do Distrito Federal e o desafio da integração entre os níveis assistenciais.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/mar). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-complexo-regulador-em-saude-do-distrito-federal-e-o-desafio-da-integracao-entre-os-niveis-assistenciais/17152?id=17152