0261/2022 - O ENSINO NA GRADUAÇÃO EM SAÚDE COLETIVA: o que dizem os Projetos Pedagógicos TEACHING IN GRADUATION IN COLLECTIVE HEALTH: what the Pedagogical Projects say
Em 2017, para norteá o currículo de ensino, tem-se, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Saúde Coletiva (DCNsCGSC). Com objetivo de analisar o ensino nos cursos de graduação em Saúde Coletiva no Brasil à luz dos Projetos Pedagógicos, realizamos um estudo qualitativo e exploratório com abordagem documental, utilizando o método da análise de conteúdo. Depois da análise de 22 projetos, observou-se que a maioria dos cursos segue ou se adequou (31,8%) às DCNsCGSC quanto a carga horária total, estágio, trabalho de conclusão e atividades complementares. A nomenclatura bacharelado em Saúde Coletiva é principal denominação (77,3%). A maioria dos cursos está na região norte (27,%) e em instituições federais (68,5%). Sobre o ensino, foram identificados 274 citações de componentes obrigatórios com o termo de referência das subáreas da Saúde Coletiva. Destes, o eixo de políticas, planejamento e gestão em saúde, representa 66,42% (182) dos componentes e as ciências sociais e humanas em saúde 9,50% (26). O estudo elucidou como é realizado o ensino na graduação, agregando reflexões sobre a convergência das DCNsCGSC. Além disso, revela possíveis lacunas dos conteúdos de ensino necessários à formação para atuação profissional, sobretudo, para a consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde.
In 2017, to guide the teaching curriculum, there are the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Undergraduate Course in Public Health (DCNsCGSC). To analyze teaching in undergraduate courses in Public Health in Brazil in the light of Pedagogical Projects, we carried out a qualitative and exploratory study with a documental approach, using the method of content analysis. After analyzing 22 projects, it was observed most of the courses followed or adapted (31.8%) to the DCNsCGSC in terms of total workload, internship, final work, and complementary activities. The nomenclature bachelor\'s degree in Public Health is the main denomination (77.3%). Most courses are in the northern region (27%) and federal institutions (68.5%). Regarding teaching, 274 citations of mandatory components were identified with the term reference of the subareas of Public Health. Of these, the axis of health policies, planning, and management represents 66.42% (182) of the components and the social and human sciences in health 9.5% (26). The study elucidated how undergraduate teaching is carried out, adding reflections on the convergence of DCNsCGSC. In addition, it reveals possible gaps in the teaching content necessary for training for professional practice, especially for the consolidation of Unified Health System.
Teaching; Graduation; Health collective; Qualitative Research.
Resumo (abstract):
In 2017, to guide the teaching curriculum, there are the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Undergraduate Course in Public Health (DCNsCGSC). To analyze teaching in undergraduate courses in Public Health in Brazil in the light of Pedagogical Projects, we carried out a qualitative and exploratory study with a documental approach, using the method of content analysis. After analyzing 22 projects, it was observed most of the courses followed or adapted (31.8%) to the DCNsCGSC in terms of total workload, internship, final work, and complementary activities. The nomenclature bachelor\'s degree in Public Health is the main denomination (77.3%). Most courses are in the northern region (27%) and federal institutions (68.5%). Regarding teaching, 274 citations of mandatory components were identified with the term reference of the subareas of Public Health. Of these, the axis of health policies, planning, and management represents 66.42% (182) of the components and the social and human sciences in health 9.5% (26). The study elucidated how undergraduate teaching is carried out, adding reflections on the convergence of DCNsCGSC. In addition, it reveals possible gaps in the teaching content necessary for training for professional practice, especially for the consolidation of Unified Health System.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Teaching; Graduation; Health collective; Qualitative Research.
Mendonça, P.B.S., Castro, J.L.. O ENSINO NA GRADUAÇÃO EM SAÚDE COLETIVA: o que dizem os Projetos Pedagógicos. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/set). [Citado em 16/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-ensino-na-graduacao-em-saude-coletiva-o-que-dizem-os-projetos-pedagogicos/18517?id=18517&id=18517