0582/2013 - O luto antecipado diante da consciência da finitude: a vida entre os medos de “não dar conta”, de “dar trabalho” e de morrer The anticipatory grief against the awareness of finitude: life among the fears of "not realizing", "overloading" and dying
• KARLA CRISTINA GIACOMIN - Giacomin, K. C. - BELO HORIZONTE, MG - NESPE - Núcleo de Estudos em Saúde Pública e Envelhecimento - FIOCRUZ/UFMG - <kcgiacomin@hotmail.com>
Em suas práxis, os profissionais de saúde são forçados a lidar com os lutos do paciente, da família e da equipe, mas para uma pessoa idosa, o luto antecipado devido a doenças e a consciência da finitude podem ser tão perturbadores quanto a morte efetiva de alguém. O presente trabalho objetiva compreender o luto antecipado percebido na interação entre a velhice e os processos saúde-doença e incapacidade, na visão de idosos da comunidade diante da própria finitude. Este estudo etnográfico observacional, realizado com 57 idosos assistidos pela Estratégia Saúde da Família, teve a coleta e análise de dados guiadas pelo modelo de signos, significados e ações, em entrevistas semiestruturadas, emergindo como categorias finais: experiências da morte em vida; experiências dos idosos na atenção à saúde; consciência da finitude e lutos antecipados que tiram o sentido da vida. Para a cultura local a velhice é uma doença; incapacidade é “não dar conta” de fazer atividades cotidianas e “dar trabalho” aos outros é pior do que morrer. Quanto mais velhos, mais lutos e perdas - antecipados e reais; maior a consciência da própria finitude; realidade que tem sido negligenciada na atenção à saúde. Compreender essa questão é crucial para um cuidado humanizado e integral da pessoa idosa e das famílias.
luto antecipado
serviço de saúde
In their praxis, health professionals are urged to deal with the grief of the subject, family and staff, but for an elderly person, the anticipatory grief due to disease and the awareness of finitude can be as disturbing as the actual death of someone . This paper aims to understand the anticipated grief perceived in the interaction among old age and the health-disease and disability processes in the community elderly’s vision against his own finitude. This observational ethnographic study was conducted with 57 elderly assisted by the Family Health Strategy, the collection and analysis of data guided by the model of signs, meanings and actions, in semi-structured interviews, emerging as final categories: death experiences in life, experiences of elderly in health care, awareness of finitude and anticipated grief that take the meaning of life. For the local culture aging is a disease, disability is "not realizing" making everyday activities and "overload" to others is worse than dying. The older, more grief and loss - anticipated and actual; greater awareness of finitude; reality that has been neglected in health care. Understanding this question is crucial for a comprehensive and humane care of the elderly and their families.
anticipatory grief
health service
The anticipatory grief against the awareness of finitude: life among the fears of "not realizing", "overloading" and dying
Resumo (abstract):
In their praxis, health professionals are urged to deal with the grief of the subject, family and staff, but for an elderly person, the anticipatory grief due to disease and the awareness of finitude can be as disturbing as the actual death of someone . This paper aims to understand the anticipated grief perceived in the interaction among old age and the health-disease and disability processes in the community elderly’s vision against his own finitude. This observational ethnographic study was conducted with 57 elderly assisted by the Family Health Strategy, the collection and analysis of data guided by the model of signs, meanings and actions, in semi-structured interviews, emerging as final categories: death experiences in life, experiences of elderly in health care, awareness of finitude and anticipated grief that take the meaning of life. For the local culture aging is a disease, disability is "not realizing" making everyday activities and "overload" to others is worse than dying. The older, more grief and loss - anticipated and actual; greater awareness of finitude; reality that has been neglected in health care. Understanding this question is crucial for a comprehensive and humane care of the elderly and their families.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
anticipatory grief
health service
Giacomin, K. C., Santos, WJ, Josélia Oliveira Araújo Firmo. O luto antecipado diante da consciência da finitude: a vida entre os medos de “não dar conta”, de “dar trabalho” e de morrer. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/jun). [Citado em 05/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-luto-antecipado-diante-da-consciencia-da-finitude-a-vida-entre-os-medos-de-nao-dar-conta-de-dar-trabalho-e-de-morrer/13165?id=13165