0078/2016 - Qualidade de vida e fatores associados em idosos de um Centro de Referência à Pessoa Idosa Quality of life and associated factors in elderly people at a Reference Center
Estudos têm avaliado qualidade de vida (QV) em grupos diversos, entretanto, relatos em usuários de Centro de Referência à Pessoa Idosa são escassos. A pesquisa visou identificar fatores associados à boa QV de idosos de um Centro de Referência, Belo Horizonte, MG. Estudo transversal com 257 idosos, usuários do Centro de Referência. Adotou-se o instrumento World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment versão breve (WHOQOL-bref) para avaliação da QV dos idosos. A análise foi racionalizada por meio da definição de dois grupos em relação à percepção da QV e satisfação com a saúde. Análise de regressão logística foi realizada para avaliar a direção e magnitude das associações de cada variável independente com a QV. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria (63,4%) dos idosos consideravam sua QV boa e encontravam-se satisfeitos com sua saúde. O domínio ambiental obteve pior escore (média = 14,4). Idade avançada, ser natural do interior de MG, atividade física, diabetes mellitus, doenças osteomusculares, hipertensão arterial e depressão permaneceram independentemente associados à QV e satisfação com a saúde após ajuste do modelo. Os dados obtidos permitem orientar estratégias de cuidado aos idosos mais vulneráveis, com especial atenção às questões que interferem no meio ambiente.
Envelhecimento da População
Qualidade de Vida
Estudos Transversais
Studies have evaluated quality of life (QOL) in several groups, however, reports on user Elderly the Reference Center are scarce. The research aimed to identify factors associated with good QOL of elderly people at a reference center, Belo Horizonte, MG. Cross-sectional study with 257 elderly, Reference Center travelers. Adopted the tool World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment brief version (WHOQOL-bref) for assessment of QOL of the elderly. The analysis was rationalized by defining two groups regarding the perception of QoL and satisfaction with health. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the direction and magnitude of the association of each variable with QOL. The results showed that the majority (63.4%) of the elderly considered their good QoL and found themselves satisfied with their health. The environmental domain had the worst score (mean = 14.4). Old age, be natural in the interior of Minas Gerais, physical activity, diabetes, musculoskeletal diseases, high blood pressure and depression remained independently associated with QoL and satisfaction with health after model fit. The data can be consulted care strategies for the most vulnerable elderly, with special attention to issues that affect the environment.
Demographic Aging
Quality of Life
Cross-Sectional Studies
Quality of life and associated factors in elderly people at a Reference Center
Resumo (abstract):
Studies have evaluated quality of life (QOL) in several groups, however, reports on user Elderly the Reference Center are scarce. The research aimed to identify factors associated with good QOL of elderly people at a reference center, Belo Horizonte, MG. Cross-sectional study with 257 elderly, Reference Center travelers. Adopted the tool World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment brief version (WHOQOL-bref) for assessment of QOL of the elderly. The analysis was rationalized by defining two groups regarding the perception of QoL and satisfaction with health. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the direction and magnitude of the association of each variable with QOL. The results showed that the majority (63.4%) of the elderly considered their good QoL and found themselves satisfied with their health. The environmental domain had the worst score (mean = 14.4). Old age, be natural in the interior of Minas Gerais, physical activity, diabetes, musculoskeletal diseases, high blood pressure and depression remained independently associated with QoL and satisfaction with health after model fit. The data can be consulted care strategies for the most vulnerable elderly, with special attention to issues that affect the environment.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Demographic Aging
Quality of Life
Cross-Sectional Studies
Miranda, Livia Carvalho Viana, Soares, SM, Silva, Patrícia Aparecida. Qualidade de vida e fatores associados em idosos de um Centro de Referência à Pessoa Idosa. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/fev). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/qualidade-de-vida-e-fatores-associados-em-idosos-de-um-centro-de-referencia-a-pessoa-idosa/15500?id=15500