Pesquisa objetivou investigar os fatores que interferem no retorno ao trabalho em indivíduos com paraplegia traumática e caracterizar o trabalho posterior à lesão, por meio de estudo epidemiológico do tipo corte transversal, sem inferência estatística. Participaram da pesquisa pacientes internados no Programa de Lesão Medular do Hospital Sarah de Reabilitação, Salvador. A análise descritiva usou média e desvio-padrão para variáveis contínuas e proporções para variáveis categóricas. Houve predomínio de homens entre os 42 pacientes entrevistados; a idade média foi de 36 anos. A escolaridade média foi de 9 anos. Retornaram ao trabalho 22 entrevistados, 21 deles inseridos no mercado de trabalho informal. A média de tempo para voltar a trabalhar foi de 3 anos. Principais motivos para voltar a trabalhar: necessidade de dinheiro, satisfação pessoal e contato com outras pessoas. O retorno ao trabalho mostra-se, neste estudo, relevante para o adulto com lesão medular, proporcionando-lhe maior rendimento e melhor qualidade de vida. Evidenciamos a importância de maior grau de escolaridade para o retorno ao trabalho bem sucedido. Portanto, é preciso aprimorar o processo de retorno ao trabalho, qualificação e reabilitação profissional desse trabalhador.
Retorno ao trabalho; paraplegia; traumatismos da medula espinal; reabilitação.
This research aimed to investigate the factors that affect the return to work of individuals with traumatic paraplegia and to characterize post-injury work by means of a cross-sectional epidemiological study without statistical inference. The participants were patients at the Spinal Cord Injury Program of the Sarah Rehabilitation Hospital, Salvador, Brazil. The descriptive analysis used mean and standard deviation for continuous variables and proportions for categorical variables. Male predominated among the 42 respondents, with a mean age of 36 years. Mean schooling years was 9 years. Twenty-two respondents returned to work, 21 of which were in the informal labor market. Mean time to return to work was 3 years. The main reasons for returning to work were need for money, personal satisfaction and contact with other people. In this study, returning to work is relevant for adults with spinal cord injury, providing them with higher income and better quality of life. We also noted the importance of higher education level for the successful return to work. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the return to work process, the qualification and professional rehabilitation of these workers.
Return to work; paraplegia; spinal cord injuries; rehabilitation.
Resumo (abstract):
This research aimed to investigate the factors that affect the return to work of individuals with traumatic paraplegia and to characterize post-injury work by means of a cross-sectional epidemiological study without statistical inference. The participants were patients at the Spinal Cord Injury Program of the Sarah Rehabilitation Hospital, Salvador, Brazil. The descriptive analysis used mean and standard deviation for continuous variables and proportions for categorical variables. Male predominated among the 42 respondents, with a mean age of 36 years. Mean schooling years was 9 years. Twenty-two respondents returned to work, 21 of which were in the informal labor market. Mean time to return to work was 3 years. The main reasons for returning to work were need for money, personal satisfaction and contact with other people. In this study, returning to work is relevant for adults with spinal cord injury, providing them with higher income and better quality of life. We also noted the importance of higher education level for the successful return to work. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the return to work process, the qualification and professional rehabilitation of these workers.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Return to work; paraplegia; spinal cord injuries; rehabilitation.
Calliga, MCNS, Porto, LA. Que pessoas com paraplegia traumática voltam a trabalhar?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/set). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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