2083/2012 - Reestruturação produtiva e recomposições do trabalho e emprego. Um périplo pelas “novas” formas de desigualdade social Productive restructuration and recomposition of work and employment. A journey by the “new” forms of social inequality
• Ana Paula Pereira Marques - Marques APP - Braga, Outro País/Another Country - Universidade do Minho - <amarques@ics.uminho.pt>
Área Temática:
Saúde e Trabalho
O propósito do presente artigo consiste em questionar a inevitabilidade dos processos de segmentação e precarização das relações de trabalho e emprego, responsáveis pela inscrição de “novas” formas de desigualdade social que alicerçam o actual modelo de desenvolvimento das economias e sociedades. Visa-se criticar os limites da lógica económica e financeira, de contornos globais, que configuram um “novo espírito do capitalismo”1, ou seja, uma espécie de divinização da ordem natural das coisas. Impõe-se fazer, por isso, um périplo analítico pelas transformações em curso no mercado de trabalho, acompanhado pela vigilância epistemológica que permita enquadrar e relativizar as (di)visões neoliberais e teses tecno-deterministas dominantes. A perspectivação de cenários sobre o futuro do trabalho encerrará este périplo, permitindo-nos alertar para os condicionalismos histórico-temporais, para a urgência de se desocultar o que de ideológico e político existe nas actuais lógicas de racionalização e para os processos de ressimbolização do trabalho e emprego enquanto “experiência social central” na contemporaneidade.
Segmentação do Mercado de Trabalho
Forma Flexíveis de Emprego
Desigualdades Sociais
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the inevitability of the processes of segmentation and precariousness of labour relations and employment, which is responsible for the inscription of "new" forms of social inequality that underlie the current model of development of economies and societies. Its aim is to criticize the limits of global financial and economic logic, which configures a "new spirit of capitalism”1, resembling a divinization of the natural order of things. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an analytical journey through the ongoing changes in the labour market, accompanied by an epistemological vigilance which allows us to frame and relativize neoliberal (di) visions and dominant techno-deterministic theses. The enunciation of scenarios on the future of work will conclude this journey and will allow us to draw attention to both the historical and temporal constraints and to the urgent need to uncover the existent ideologies and politicises in the present rational and logical processes of ressymbolization of work and employment as a "central social experience” in contemporary times.
Labour Market Segmentation
Flexibles forms of Employment Forms
Social Inequalities
Productive restructuration and recomposition of work and employment. A journey by the “new” forms of social inequality
Resumo (abstract):
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the inevitability of the processes of segmentation and precariousness of labour relations and employment, which is responsible for the inscription of "new" forms of social inequality that underlie the current model of development of economies and societies. Its aim is to criticize the limits of global financial and economic logic, which configures a "new spirit of capitalism”1, resembling a divinization of the natural order of things. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an analytical journey through the ongoing changes in the labour market, accompanied by an epistemological vigilance which allows us to frame and relativize neoliberal (di) visions and dominant techno-deterministic theses. The enunciation of scenarios on the future of work will conclude this journey and will allow us to draw attention to both the historical and temporal constraints and to the urgent need to uncover the existent ideologies and politicises in the present rational and logical processes of ressymbolization of work and employment as a "central social experience” in contemporary times.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Labour Market Segmentation
Flexibles forms of Employment Forms
Social Inequalities
Marques APP. Reestruturação produtiva e recomposições do trabalho e emprego. Um périplo pelas “novas” formas de desigualdade social. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/fev). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/reestruturacao-produtiva-e-recomposicoes-do-trabalho-e-emprego-um-periplo-pelas-novas-formas-de-desigualdade-social/12104?id=12104