0108/2020 - The structure of qualitative studies: A bibliometric pattern of biomedical literature A estrutura de estudos qualitativos: Um padrão bibliométrico da literatura biomédica
A dificuldade de entendimento na literatura biomédica sobre a validade dos estudos qualitativos pode estar relacionada ao menor número de estudos qualitativos publicados. As críticas também vão desde a falta de profundidade teórica até discussões pouco objetivas de descobertas empíricas. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar padrões bibliométricos e as tendências na estrutura das pesquisas qualitativas na literatura biomédica. Utilizou-se análise bibliométrica e mapeamento da literatura biomédica. O número de estudos selecionados foi 1725. Os temas de saúde com mais publicações incluíram Gestão em Saúde (12%) e Saúde da Mulher (9,8%), enquanto os autores dos estudos tiveram afiliação acadêmica em 76 países diferentes. O tamanho da amostra mais observado foi de 11 a 20 participantes (27,13%) e o referencial da GroundedTheory (9,04%) o mais utilizado. A estruturação aprimorada de uma pesquisa qualitativa amplia a comunicação eficaz entre profissionais de saúde e pesquisadores, além de apoiar o gerenciamento de situações clínicas.
Estudos de Avaliação como Tópico; Pesquisa Qualitativa; Desenho de Pesquisa; Bibliotecas Médicas; Ciências da Saúde.
The lack of knowledge in the biomedical literature regarding the validity of qualitative studies might be related to the lower number of qualitative studies that have been published. The criticisms rangea lack of theoretical depth to the superficial discussions of empirical findings. The aim of this study was to explore the bibliometric entities and the trends in the structure of qualitative researches in the biomedical literature. A bibliometric analysis and mapping of the biomedical literature were used. The number of studies ed was 1725. The heath themes with the most publications included Health Management (12%) and Women´s Health (9.8%), while the authors of the studies had academic affiliation in 76 different countries. The sample sizes were between 11 and 20 participants (27.13%) and the Grounded Theory framework (9.04%) stood out. The improved structuring of a qualitative research extends the effective communication between health providers and researchers, and support in the management of clinical situations.
Evaluation Studies as Topic; Qualitative Research; Research Design; Medical Libraries; Health Sciences.
A estrutura de estudos qualitativos: Um padrão bibliométrico da literatura biomédica
Resumo (abstract):
The lack of knowledge in the biomedical literature regarding the validity of qualitative studies might be related to the lower number of qualitative studies that have been published. The criticisms rangea lack of theoretical depth to the superficial discussions of empirical findings. The aim of this study was to explore the bibliometric entities and the trends in the structure of qualitative researches in the biomedical literature. A bibliometric analysis and mapping of the biomedical literature were used. The number of studies ed was 1725. The heath themes with the most publications included Health Management (12%) and Women´s Health (9.8%), while the authors of the studies had academic affiliation in 76 different countries. The sample sizes were between 11 and 20 participants (27.13%) and the Grounded Theory framework (9.04%) stood out. The improved structuring of a qualitative research extends the effective communication between health providers and researchers, and support in the management of clinical situations.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Evaluation Studies as Topic; Qualitative Research; Research Design; Medical Libraries; Health Sciences.
Bastos, R.A, Alves, V.L.P, Sena, R.M.C, Jesus, J.V.F, Rodrigues, L, Surita, F, Turato, E.R. The structure of qualitative studies: A bibliometric pattern of biomedical literature. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/mai). [Citado em 03/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/the-structure-of-qualitative-studies-a-bibliometric-pattern-of-biomedical-literature/17590?id=17590