0380/2020 - Trabalhadoras da saúde face à pandemia: por uma análise sociológica do trabalho de cuidado. Health workers facing the pandemic: by a sociological analysis of care work.
Este texto tem como finalidade discutir o cuidado de trabalhadoras da área da saúde em face da Covid-19, sob a análise sociológica de autoras que o vêm discutindo enquanto um trabalho que é desempenhado, na sua maioria, pelas mulheres das classes populares, é desvalorizado e sofre baixa remuneração. É uma atividade que envolve as construções sociais das emoções e tem utilizado o corpo como um instrumento de trabalho no cuidado com o outro. Além disso, a precarização do trabalho em saúde na sociedade brasileira acirrada nas últimas décadas, como o aumento de contratos temporários, perdas de direitos trabalhistas, a sobrecarga das atividades, condições de trabalho precárias, dentre outros, soma-se com o aumento dos atendimentos médico-hospitalares diante da pandemia da Covid-19. Neste contexto, as trabalhadoras em saúde vivenciam as ausências de equipamentos de proteção individual, medo de contaminação pelo vírus, preocupações com filhos e familiares, vivências diante da morte e do adoecimento de si e de colegas de profissão. Este texto aponta para a necessidade de atenção governamental, bem como para a gestão do trabalho em saúde e dos órgãos de classe profissional, analisando as condições de trabalho que as trabalhadoras em saúde estão vivendo no enfrentamento da pandemia.
condições de trabalho; pandemia; mulheres trabalhadoras; análise de gênero na saúde.
This text aims to discuss the care of health workers in the face of Covid-19, under the sociological analysis of authors who have been discussing it while a job that is mostly performed by womenthe lower classes is devalued. and suffers low pay. In addition, it is an activity that involves the social constructions of emotions and has used the body as a work tool in caring for others. In addition, the precariousness of health work in Brazilian society, which has intensified in recent decades, such as the increase in temporary contracts, loss of labor rights, the overload of activities, precarious working conditions, among others, are added to the increase in attendance hospital in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, health workers experience the absence of personal protective equipment, fear of contamination by the virus, concerns about children and family members, experiences in the face of death and illness of themselves and professional colleagues. This text points to the need for governmental attention, as well as for the management of health work and professional class bodies, analysing the working conditions that health workers are experiencing in facing the pandemic.
working conditions; pandemic; workers women; gender analyses.
Health workers facing the pandemic: by a sociological analysis of care work.
Resumo (abstract):
This text aims to discuss the care of health workers in the face of Covid-19, under the sociological analysis of authors who have been discussing it while a job that is mostly performed by womenthe lower classes is devalued. and suffers low pay. In addition, it is an activity that involves the social constructions of emotions and has used the body as a work tool in caring for others. In addition, the precariousness of health work in Brazilian society, which has intensified in recent decades, such as the increase in temporary contracts, loss of labor rights, the overload of activities, precarious working conditions, among others, are added to the increase in attendance hospital in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, health workers experience the absence of personal protective equipment, fear of contamination by the virus, concerns about children and family members, experiences in the face of death and illness of themselves and professional colleagues. This text points to the need for governmental attention, as well as for the management of health work and professional class bodies, analysing the working conditions that health workers are experiencing in facing the pandemic.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
working conditions; pandemic; workers women; gender analyses.
Bitencourt, S. M., Andrade, C.B. Trabalhadoras da saúde face à pandemia: por uma análise sociológica do trabalho de cuidado.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/dez). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/trabalhadoras-da-saude-face-a-pandemia-por-uma-analise-sociologica-do-trabalho-de-cuidado/17862?id=17862