0202/2022 - The Evolution of Nutrition Intervention During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dixia Ramirez-Vega, Monica Salinas-Cortes, Melissa Melendez-Coral, Geoffrey A. Cordell, Aida Rodriguez-Garcia
Artigo Temático
COVID-19 has challenged health professionals in widely divergent areas, including innovation of practice, communication, multidisciplinary activities, broader use of technology, and adaptability. The role of the dietitian and other health professiona...
0201/2022 - The training of a new social-responsible generation of health professionals with a patient-centered vision
Mildred Lopez, Cristhian Pérez, Daniel Suárez, Anil Yasin Ar
Artigo Temático
The challenges that Latin America faces in health are deeply related to others, such as access to clean water, the right to education, and housing. Health professionals that work in an environment the population faces constant barriers to accessing ...
0200/2022 - Results And Effects Of Patients Who Have Recovered From Covid-19: Identifying The Relationship With Risk Factors And Comorbidities
Lucivalda Viegas de Almeida, Adriana Garcia-Araujo, Mildred Lopez, Daniel Santos Rocha, Renata Gonçalves Mendes, Audrey Borghi-Silva, Almir Vieira Dibai-Filho, Daniela Bassi Dibai
Artigo Temático
The number of deathsCOVID-19 is closely associated with multimorbidities. This study aimed to review the clinical and functional conditions of patients who recoveredCOVID-19. Additionally, identify the relationship with risk factors and comorbidities...
0199/2022 - Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on sleep duration, sleep quality and burnout in faculty members of higher education in Mexico
Arturo Arrona-Palacios, Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez, Jose Escamilla, Samira Hosseini, Jeanne Duffy
Artigo Temático
This paper aims to assess the differences and associations of the effect of COVID-19 on sleep habits, sleep quality, and burnout symptoms among faculty members of higher education in Mexico. This was a cross-sectional study with a total sample of 214...
0198/2022 - COVID-19: The Impact on Oral Health Care
Norma Cruz-Fierro, Aida Rodriguez-Garcia, Geoffrey A. Cordell, Paulo C.T. Duarte, Aida Borges-Yáñez
Artigo Temático
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the economic, social, and oral care health inequities in societies, especially in the developing world. Severe restrictions have been imposed on dental practices, limiting prophylactic and routine oral care healt...
0197/2022 - Perceived Coronavirus Health Risk Associated with Students’ Life Satisfaction: The Role of Trust in Government Policies
Asad Abbas, Anil Yasin Ar, Rozita Ghaffari Fard, Abdul Mannan, Samira Hosseini
Artigo Temático
This study investigates whether trust in government policies has a mediation effect between the students\' perception of COVID-19 health risk and their life satisfaction. In order to test the mediation effect, this study utilizes data collectedunderg...
0196/2022 - Acesso para quem quer ou para quem pode? Equidade na utilização de consultas médicas em Portugal com base no INS 2019
Micaela Antunes, Carlota Quintal
Artigo / Tema Livre
A equidade horizontal no uso de cuidados de saúde requer igual uso para igual necessidade, independentemente de outros fatores - predisponentes ou de capacitação (modelo de Andersen). O objetivo é avaliar a equidade no uso de consultas médicas e...
0195/2022 - Tendência de desigualdades na realização de mamografia nas capitais brasileiras nos últimos 10 anos
Elizabet Saes-Silva, Yohana Pereira Vieira, Vanise dos Santos Ferreira Viero, Juliana Quadros Santos Rocha, Mirelle de Oliveira Saes
Artigo / Tema Livre
O objetivo foi verificar a tendência de desigualdade na realização de mamografia de acordo com a posse de plano de saúde e escolaridade a partir de dados do período de 2011 a 2020 do VIGITEL. Estudo de base populacional com dados provenientes do...