0160/2019 - A experiência da dor em bailarinas clássicas: Significados emergentes num estudo qualitativo. The experience of pain in classical dancers: Emerging meanings in a qualitative study.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo centrado no significado que a dor assume no discurso de um grupo de bailarinas de dança clássica. Para tal acedemos às suas experiências e vivências através de uma entrevista semiestruturada de forma a entender a dor que faz parte suas rotinas antes, durante e após estarem a dançar. O estudo sustenta-se nos discursos que emergiram num grupo de dez bailarinas, com mais de seis anos de formação, e o método para aceder aos significados providenciados pelas suas vozes foi a Grounded Analysis ou Análise Sustentada nos Dados. A análise dos discursos recolhidos revelou que o evoluir no percurso da dança implica dificuldades que aumentam as exigências experienciadas pelas bailarinas, paralelamente ao desejo de querer permanecer no mundo do espetáculo. Assim são os treinos excessivos e os movimentos repetitivos que fazem surgir a dor e as lesões, que são ocultadas, negadas, de modo a poder continuar no foco de querer alcançar a perfeição. Em geral, os resultados obtidos salientam a paixão pela dança que configura a dor como aliada desta prática, e obriga as bailarinas a várias estratégias de confronto. Paralelamente a dor liga-se ao medo da lesão, ao fim do percurso como bailarina e ao abdicar de um sonho.
Dança; Dor; Lesão; Grounded Analysis.
This article presents the results of a study focused on the meaning that pain takes on, in the discourse of a group of classical dance ballerinas. For such, we accessed their experiences and meanings through a semi-structured interview, to better understand the pain that is an integral part of their routines before, during and after performance. This study is rooted in the discourses which emergeda group of ten ballerinas with six or more years of training, and the method chosen to tap into the underlying meanings was Grounded Analysis. The analysis of collected discourses showed that following of the dance path brings along obstacles that increase the demands felt by the ballerinas, in parallel to their desire of remaining in the world of performance. Thus, it is the excessive practicing and repetitive movements which bring forth pain and injuries, concealed and denied so as not to impede the focus of attaining perfection. In general, the obtained results emphasize the passion for dance as framing pain as an ally to this career, and pushing the ballerinas to varied confrontation strategies. In tandem, pain is linked to fear of injury, to the end of a path as ballerina and the foregoing of a dream.
The experience of pain in classical dancers: Emerging meanings in a qualitative study.
Resumo (abstract):
This article presents the results of a study focused on the meaning that pain takes on, in the discourse of a group of classical dance ballerinas. For such, we accessed their experiences and meanings through a semi-structured interview, to better understand the pain that is an integral part of their routines before, during and after performance. This study is rooted in the discourses which emergeda group of ten ballerinas with six or more years of training, and the method chosen to tap into the underlying meanings was Grounded Analysis. The analysis of collected discourses showed that following of the dance path brings along obstacles that increase the demands felt by the ballerinas, in parallel to their desire of remaining in the world of performance. Thus, it is the excessive practicing and repetitive movements which bring forth pain and injuries, concealed and denied so as not to impede the focus of attaining perfection. In general, the obtained results emphasize the passion for dance as framing pain as an ally to this career, and pushing the ballerinas to varied confrontation strategies. In tandem, pain is linked to fear of injury, to the end of a path as ballerina and the foregoing of a dream.
Costa , C, Teixeira, Z. A experiência da dor em bailarinas clássicas: Significados emergentes num estudo qualitativo.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jun). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/a-experiencia-da-dor-em-bailarinas-classicas-significados-emergentes-num-estudo-qualitativo/17234?id=17234