0442/2018 - Adaptação transcultural do Emotional Appetite Questionnaire em mulheres de língua portuguesa. Cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire in Portuguese-speaking women.
A obesidade e seus determinantes são foco de amplas pesquisas, dentre tais determinantes, encontra-se o apetite emocional, definido como a tendência a comer em excesso em reposta às emoções negativas. Alguns instrumentos foram criados no intuito de mensurar esse constructo, dentre eles o Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ), que apresenta o diferencial de avaliar emoções e situações (positivas e negativas). O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar adaptação transcultural e avaliação de propriedades psicométricas do EMAQ em mulheres de língua portuguesa. Realizou-se uma pesquisa com 450 mulheres, mediante a adaptação transcultural e avaliação de propriedades psicométricas do instrumento (validade e confiabilidade). A consistência interna do instrumento foi medida pelo Alfa de Cronbach e a estabilidade foi feita por meio do teste-reteste. O instrumento demonstrou boa consistência interna (0,838) e correlação intraclasse (0,724). As entrevistadas não referiram alteração do consumo alimentar frente às emoções e situações positivas. Houve tendência a redução do apetite emocional quando submetidas a emoções e situações negativas. O Questionário de Apetite Emocional (QUEAPEM) apresentou-se como um instrumento confiável, de fácil aplicação e administração, para avaliação do apetite emocional na língua portuguesa.
Estudos de validação; Emoções; Comportamento Alimentar.
Obesity and its determinants have been the focus of extensive research, among these determinants is the emotional appetite, defined as the tendency to overeat in response to negative emotions. Some instruments were created in order to measure this construct, among them the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ), which presents the differential of evaluating both, positive and negative, emotions and situations. The objective of this study was to perform cross - cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of EMAQ in Portuguese - speaking women. A methodological research was carried out, through translation, back-translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the instrument. A study was carried out with 450 women, through cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the instrument\'s psychometric properties (validity and reliability). The internal consistency of the instrument was measured by Cronbach\'s Alpha and stability was done by means of the test-retest. The internal consistency of the instrument was measured by Cronbach\'s Alpha and reproducibility was calculated by means of the test-retest. The instrument showed good internal consistency (0.838) and intraclass correlation (0.724). The interviewees did not showed changes in food consumption in front of positive emotions and situations. There was a tendency to reduce the emotional appetite when subjected to neg
Cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire in Portuguese-speaking women.
Resumo (abstract):
Obesity and its determinants have been the focus of extensive research, among these determinants is the emotional appetite, defined as the tendency to overeat in response to negative emotions. Some instruments were created in order to measure this construct, among them the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ), which presents the differential of evaluating both, positive and negative, emotions and situations. The objective of this study was to perform cross - cultural adaptation and evaluation of psychometric properties of EMAQ in Portuguese - speaking women. A methodological research was carried out, through translation, back-translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the instrument. A study was carried out with 450 women, through cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the instrument\'s psychometric properties (validity and reliability). The internal consistency of the instrument was measured by Cronbach\'s Alpha and stability was done by means of the test-retest. The internal consistency of the instrument was measured by Cronbach\'s Alpha and reproducibility was calculated by means of the test-retest. The instrument showed good internal consistency (0.838) and intraclass correlation (0.724). The interviewees did not showed changes in food consumption in front of positive emotions and situations. There was a tendency to reduce the emotional appetite when subjected to neg
Sabry, SD, Carioca, A. G. F., Machado, Soraia, Adriano, L, Sampaio, HAC. Adaptação transcultural do Emotional Appetite Questionnaire em mulheres de língua portuguesa.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/out). [Citado em 23/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/adaptacao-transcultural-do-emotional-appetite-questionnaire-em-mulheres-de-lingua-portuguesa/16975?id=16975