0244/2019 - Ambiente alimentar em São Leopoldo, RS, BR: Associação com variáveis sociodemográficas da vizinhança. Food environment in São Leopoldo, Brazil: Association between sociodemographic variables with the neighborhood.
O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o ambiente alimentar de um município de médio porte do sul do Brasil e relacionar a disponibilidade de diferentes tipos de comércios de alimentos com características socioeconômicas e demográficas do entorno. Um estudo ecológico em 45 buffers, de 400m, em São Leopoldo, RS, foi realizado. O buffer foi calculado a partir do centróide das residências das mulheres participantes de um projeto de pesquisa maior. Todas as ruas foram percorridas para a identificação dos estabelecimentos de alimentos, que tiveram suas coordenadas geográficas registradas, bem como foram avaliados, através do questionário NEMS, sobre disponibilidade, preço e qualidade de 108 itens alimentares. Os comércios foram classificados em supermercados, mercearias, fruteiras e lojas de conveniência. Os supermercados e as mercearias estavam em maior número nos buffers de menor renda e mercearias mais presentes naqueles de maior tercil populacional. Observa-se relação direta entre escores do NEMS e tercil de renda para supermercados, mercearias e fruteiras e indireta para os mesmos comércios e tercil populacional. A disponibilidade de alimentos saudáveis se mostrou mais elevada em áreas de maior renda e menor número de habitantes, sinalizando a necessidade de melhor distribuição dos comércios e variedades de alimentos nas diferentes áreas do município.
ambiente alimentar, buffer, socioeconômico
The objective of this study is to describe the food environment of a medium - sized county in southern Brazil and to compare the availability of different types of food stores against the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the environment. An ecological study was carried out in 45 buffers, of 400m, in São Leopoldo county, RS. The buffer was calculatedthe centroid of the women\'s residences that participatesanother larger research project. All address were used to identify food stores, which had their geographical coordinates recorded, as well as the NEMS questionnaire on the availability, price and quality of 108 food items. The commercial points were classified like supermarkets, grocery stores, fruit stores and convenience stores. Supermarkets and grocery stores occured in higher quantity in lower income buffers and grocery stores were more present in those with higher population tertiles. Another result was a direct relationship between NEMS and tertile income scores for supermarkets, grocery stores and fruit stores, and indirect relationship for the same stores and population tertile. The availability of healthy foods was higher in areas of higher income and lower numbers of inhabitants, indicating the need for better distribution of food stores and avaiability of food varieties in different areas of the county.
Food environment in São Leopoldo, Brazil: Association between sociodemographic variables with the neighborhood.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective of this study is to describe the food environment of a medium - sized county in southern Brazil and to compare the availability of different types of food stores against the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the environment. An ecological study was carried out in 45 buffers, of 400m, in São Leopoldo county, RS. The buffer was calculatedthe centroid of the women\'s residences that participatesanother larger research project. All address were used to identify food stores, which had their geographical coordinates recorded, as well as the NEMS questionnaire on the availability, price and quality of 108 food items. The commercial points were classified like supermarkets, grocery stores, fruit stores and convenience stores. Supermarkets and grocery stores occured in higher quantity in lower income buffers and grocery stores were more present in those with higher population tertiles. Another result was a direct relationship between NEMS and tertile income scores for supermarkets, grocery stores and fruit stores, and indirect relationship for the same stores and population tertile. The availability of healthy foods was higher in areas of higher income and lower numbers of inhabitants, indicating the need for better distribution of food stores and avaiability of food varieties in different areas of the county.
Backes, V, Dias da Costa, J.S.D, Bairros, F, Cafruni, C.B, Olinto M.T.A. Ambiente alimentar em São Leopoldo, RS, BR: Associação com variáveis sociodemográficas da vizinhança.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/ago). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/ambiente-alimentar-em-sao-leopoldo-rs-br-associacao-com-variaveis-sociodemograficas-da-vizinhanca/17318?id=17318