0339/2020 - Análise das manifestações à Ouvidoria-Geral do SUS, no período de 2014 a 2018: evidências para a tomada de decisões. Analysis of manifestations to the General Ombudsman of the Unified Health System,2014 to 2018: evidence for decision making.
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as manifestações dos cidadãos à Ouvidoria-Geral do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), no período de 2014-2018, discutindo-as e compreendendo-as como evidências capazes de orientar a tomada de decisões dos gestores do SUS. Para isso, foi extraído o banco de dados do sistema informatizado OuvidorSUS, a partir de 16 variáveis referentes ao conteúdo das manifestações, à sua categorização e ao perfil do cidadão. Foram registradas 216.832 manifestações e 114.618 perfis dos cidadãos que entraram em contato com a Ouvidoria-Geral do SUS nesse período, sendo o principal canal o Disque Saúde 136. Os grupos que mais acessaram a Ouvidoria e responderam ao perfil do cidadão foram mulheres, brancos, heterossexuais, com idade entre 31 e 40 anos, nível superior completo ou incompleto, trabalhadores do setor privado e com renda entre 1 e 2 salários mínimos. As demandas, principalmente relacionadas a solicitações, reclamações e denúncias, tiveram como assuntos mais frequentes a gestão do sistema, a assistência à saúde e a assistência farmacêutica. Os registros apontam a importância da consolidação de variáveis estratégicas da Ouvidoria para a qualificação da gestão do sistema.
Participação social, Tomada de decisões, Gestão em saúde, Gestão da informação.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the manifestations of citizens to the Unified Health System (SUS) General Ombudsman, in the period 2014-2018, discussing and understanding them as evidence capable of guiding the decision making of SUS managers. The database of the OuvidorSUS computerized system was extracted, based on 16 variables related to the content of the manifestations, their categorization and the profile of the citizen. There were 216,832 manifestations and 114,618 profiles of citizens who came into contact with the SUS General Ombudsman during this period, mainly through the hotline DisqueSaúde 136. The groups that most accessed the Ombudsman and responded to the citizen\'s profile were women, white people, heterosexuals, aged between 31 and 40, having complete or incomplete higher education, private sector workers and with an income between 1 and 2 minimum wages. Demands, mainly related to requests, complaints and denunciations, had as their most frequent issues the management of the system, health care and pharmaceutical care. The records show the importance of consolidating the Ombudsman\'s strategic variables for the qualification of the system management.
Social participation, Decision making, Health management, Information management.
Analysis of manifestations to the General Ombudsman of the Unified Health System,2014 to 2018: evidence for decision making.
Resumo (abstract):
The purpose of this article is to analyze the manifestations of citizens to the Unified Health System (SUS) General Ombudsman, in the period 2014-2018, discussing and understanding them as evidence capable of guiding the decision making of SUS managers. The database of the OuvidorSUS computerized system was extracted, based on 16 variables related to the content of the manifestations, their categorization and the profile of the citizen. There were 216,832 manifestations and 114,618 profiles of citizens who came into contact with the SUS General Ombudsman during this period, mainly through the hotline DisqueSaúde 136. The groups that most accessed the Ombudsman and responded to the citizen\'s profile were women, white people, heterosexuals, aged between 31 and 40, having complete or incomplete higher education, private sector workers and with an income between 1 and 2 minimum wages. Demands, mainly related to requests, complaints and denunciations, had as their most frequent issues the management of the system, health care and pharmaceutical care. The records show the importance of consolidating the Ombudsman\'s strategic variables for the qualification of the system management.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Social participation, Decision making, Health management, Information management.
Caliari, R.V, Ricardi, L.M., Moreira, M.R.. Análise das manifestações à Ouvidoria-Geral do SUS, no período de 2014 a 2018: evidências para a tomada de decisões.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/nov). [Citado em 24/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/analise-das-manifestacoes-a-ouvidoriageral-do-sus-no-periodo-de-2014-a-2018-evidencias-para-a-tomada-de-decisoes/17821?id=17821