0330/2017 - Análise dos programas de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) sob a perspectiva territorial. Analysis of medicinal plants and herbal medicines programs in the Unified Health System (SUS) under the territorial perspective.
É expressivo o crescimento do número de programas de fitoterapia no SUS desde 2006, quando lançada a Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos. Como esses programas se distribuem no território e como expressam diversidades regionais? A pesquisa analisou como os usos do território condicionam a existência desses programas e como estes promovem maior sinergia técnica (saber local e saber universalizado) e política (estratégias e atores) na produção, circulação, distribuição e dispensação de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos no sistema público de saúde. A análise envolveu referencial teórico da geografia crítica e saúde coletiva, revisão bibliográfica conceitual e temática, análise documental, levantamento de dados primários e secundários, destacando-se extenso trabalho de campo. Os resultados apontam que o crescimento dos programas foi acompanhado pela opção por fitoterápicos industrializados, concentrando-se espacialmente no Sul e Sudeste. Foram identificadas duas fases nesse processo: 1980-2008, caracterizada por ações mais horizontais ligadas a diversidades regionais; e 2008-atual, caracterizada por ações mais verticalizadas na escala nacional. Conclui-se: a Política Nacional possibilitou aumento do número de programas, mas pouco fomentou suas expressões regionais.
território; diversidade regional; plantas medicinais; Sistema Único de Saúde
There is significant growth in the number of municipal programs of phytotherapy in the Unified Health System since 2006, with the National Policy of Medicinal Plants. How this programs are distributed throughout the territory and how they express regional differences? The aim of the research was to analyze how the territory in use can determining these programs and how this promotes a major technical synergy (local knowledge and universal knowledge) and policy (strategy and actors) in the production, circulation, distribution and dispensation of medicinal plants in the public health system. The analysis involved theoretical framework of critical geography and public health, conceptual and thematic literature review, document analysis, survey of primary and secondary data, highlighting extensive fieldwork. The results show that the growth of programs was accompanied by the choice of industrialized herbal medicines, concentrating spatially in the South and Southeast. We identified two phases in this process: 1980-2008, which is characterized by more horizontal actions linked to regional diversities; 2008-present, characterized by more verticalized actions on national scale. The National Policy made it possible to increase the number of programs, but little promoted its regional expressions.
territory; regional diversity; medicinal plants; Unified Health System
Analysis of medicinal plants and herbal medicines programs in the Unified Health System (SUS) under the territorial perspective.
Resumo (abstract):
There is significant growth in the number of municipal programs of phytotherapy in the Unified Health System since 2006, with the National Policy of Medicinal Plants. How this programs are distributed throughout the territory and how they express regional differences? The aim of the research was to analyze how the territory in use can determining these programs and how this promotes a major technical synergy (local knowledge and universal knowledge) and policy (strategy and actors) in the production, circulation, distribution and dispensation of medicinal plants in the public health system. The analysis involved theoretical framework of critical geography and public health, conceptual and thematic literature review, document analysis, survey of primary and secondary data, highlighting extensive fieldwork. The results show that the growth of programs was accompanied by the choice of industrialized herbal medicines, concentrating spatially in the South and Southeast. We identified two phases in this process: 1980-2008, which is characterized by more horizontal actions linked to regional diversities; 2008-present, characterized by more verticalized actions on national scale. The National Policy made it possible to increase the number of programs, but little promoted its regional expressions.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
territory; regional diversity; medicinal plants; Unified Health System
Ribeiro, LH. Análise dos programas de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) sob a perspectiva territorial.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/set). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/analise-dos-programas-de-plantas-medicinais-e-fitoterapicos-no-sistema-unico-de-saude-sus-sob-a-perspectiva-territorial/16382?id=16382