0134/2019 - Associated factors with physical activity counseling among Brazilian Family Health Strategy workers. Fatores associados ao aconselhamento em atividade física entre trabalhadores da Estratégia Brasileira de Saúde da Família.
O estudo objetivou determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao aconselhamento para atividade física entre trabalhadores da Estratégia de Saúde da Família. Trata-se de estudo transversal com amostra de 591 trabalhadores de Equipes de Saúde da Família de João Pessoa-PB, Brasil. Aconselhamento para atividade física foi definido como qualquer recomendação direcionada a aumentar os níveis de atividade física dos usuários conduzida por pelo menos seis meses. Foram considerados os seguintes fatores: tempo de trabalho, quantidade de atendimentos, educação permanente, barreiras percebidas, autoeficácia, atitude, autoavaliação de saúde, nível de atividade física e estado nutricional. A prevalência de aconselhamento foi de 46,2% (IC95%: 55,6-73,6), sendo maior entre médicos (74,5%; IC95%: 59,6-85,2) e enfermeiros (60,3%; IC95%: 48,0-71,4) em relação aos agentes comunitários de saúde (42,9%, IC95%: 38,2-47,7) e técnicos de enfermagem (31,5%; IC95%: 20,2-45,4). Profissionais com autoavaliação positiva de saúde, sem percepção de barreiras, com atitude positiva e alta autoeficácia, apresentaram maior chance de realizar aconselhamento. Conhecimentos e ações sobre os fatores associados ao aconselhamento podem ajudar a ampliar o envolvimento dos profissionais em iniciativas de educação em saúde.
Pessoal de saúde; Aconselhamento preventivo; Atenção Primária à Saúde; Atividade motora
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors with physical activity counseling among Brazilian Family Health Strategy workers. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with a random sample of 591 health workers who work in the Family Health Teams of Joao Pessoa-PB, Brazil. Counseling for physical activity was defined as any advising targeted for increasing patients’ physical activity levels conducted for at least six months. The following factors were considered: time working in health care units, amount of daily attendance, continuing education, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, attitude, self-rated health, physical activity level and nutritional status. Prevalence of counseling was 46.3% (95%CI: 42.3-50.4), being higher among physicians (74.5%; 95%CI: 59.6-85.2) and nurses (60.3%; 95%CI: 48.0-71.4) compared to community health workers (42.9%, 95%CI: 38.2-47.7) and nurses assistants (31.5%; 95%CI: 20.2-45.4). The results showed health professionals with positive self-rated health, without perception of barriers, having a positive attitude and high self-efficacy were more likely to perform physical activity counseling. Knowledge and actions on factors associated with physical activity counseling can help broaden the involvement of primary health care providers in health education.
Health personnel; Preventive counseling; Primary health care; Motor Activity.
Fatores associados ao aconselhamento em atividade física entre trabalhadores da Estratégia Brasileira de Saúde da Família.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors with physical activity counseling among Brazilian Family Health Strategy workers. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with a random sample of 591 health workers who work in the Family Health Teams of Joao Pessoa-PB, Brazil. Counseling for physical activity was defined as any advising targeted for increasing patients’ physical activity levels conducted for at least six months. The following factors were considered: time working in health care units, amount of daily attendance, continuing education, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, attitude, self-rated health, physical activity level and nutritional status. Prevalence of counseling was 46.3% (95%CI: 42.3-50.4), being higher among physicians (74.5%; 95%CI: 59.6-85.2) and nurses (60.3%; 95%CI: 48.0-71.4) compared to community health workers (42.9%, 95%CI: 38.2-47.7) and nurses assistants (31.5%; 95%CI: 20.2-45.4). The results showed health professionals with positive self-rated health, without perception of barriers, having a positive attitude and high self-efficacy were more likely to perform physical activity counseling. Knowledge and actions on factors associated with physical activity counseling can help broaden the involvement of primary health care providers in health education.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health personnel; Preventive counseling; Primary health care; Motor Activity.
Neto, J.M.S, Florindo, A.A, Costa. F.F. Associated factors with physical activity counseling among Brazilian Family Health Strategy workers.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/mai). [Citado em 07/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/associated-factors-with-physical-activity-counseling-among-brazilian-family-health-strategy-workers/17208?id=17208