0032/2021 - Atenção Primária no contexto da epidemia zika e síndrome congênita da zika em Pernambuco: contexto, vínculo e cuidado. Primary Care in the context of the Zika epidemic and congenital Zika syndrome in Pernambuco: context, bond and care.
A epidemia zika trouxe ao cenário, o nascimento de crianças com necessidades desconhecidas e inesperadas que exigem o acompanhamento longitudinal, fortalecimento do vínculo, integralidade e coordenação do cuidado, atributos essenciais da atenção primária em saúde (APS). Este artigo tem o objetivo de avaliar a orientação da APS, utilizando-se o instrumento PCATool-Brasil (versão criança). Os dados foram coletados entre 2016 e 2019, por meio de entrevistas com responsáveis de crianças que nasceram em uma maternidade pública do Recife-PE, no período crítico do surto de microcefalia, sobretudo no nordeste do Brasil. Participaram do inquérito, 109 responsáveis, dos quais 15,6% tiveram diagnóstico confirmado de microcefalia para suas crianças. Evidenciou-se a suficiência do grau de afiliação e acesso, mas a insuficiência da coordenação do cuidado, longitudinalidade, integralidade, orientação familiar e comunitária. No contexto da síndrome congênita da zika, esses atributos são imprescindíveis para o cuidado integral de crianças e famílias. A produção de saúde a partir desses domínios depende da orientação dos modelos de atenção e gestão com fortes investimentos estaduais e federal. A defesa da vida da população brasileira depende da capacidade de colocar a vida acima de todas as outras racionalidades.
Zika Virus, Atenção Primária à Saúde, Avaliação em Saúde
The Zika epidemic brought to the scene the birth of children with unknown and unexpected needs that require a longitudinal monitoring in health, strengthening the bond, integrality and coordination of care, essential attributes of primary health care (APS/PHC). This article aims to evaluate the orientation of this PHC, using the PCATool-Brasil instrument (child version). The data were collected between 2016 and 2019, by means of interviews with parents of children who were born in a public maternity hospital in Recife (State of Pernambuco), between October 2015 and February 2016, a critical period of the microcephaly outbreak, especially in the Northeast of Brazil. 109 parents participated in the survey, of which 15.6% had a confirmed diagnosis of microcephaly for their children. The degree of affiliation and access were sufficient, but the coordination attributes of care, longitudinality, integrality, family and community orientation were insufficient. In the context of congenital Zika syndrome, these attributes are essential for the comprehensive care of children and families. The health productionthese domains depends on the orientation of the models of care and their management with a strong state and federal investments. The vindication of Brazilian population life depends on the ability to place life above all other rationalities.
Zika Virus, Primary Health Care, Health Evaluation
Primary Care in the context of the Zika epidemic and congenital Zika syndrome in Pernambuco: context, bond and care.
Resumo (abstract):
The Zika epidemic brought to the scene the birth of children with unknown and unexpected needs that require a longitudinal monitoring in health, strengthening the bond, integrality and coordination of care, essential attributes of primary health care (APS/PHC). This article aims to evaluate the orientation of this PHC, using the PCATool-Brasil instrument (child version). The data were collected between 2016 and 2019, by means of interviews with parents of children who were born in a public maternity hospital in Recife (State of Pernambuco), between October 2015 and February 2016, a critical period of the microcephaly outbreak, especially in the Northeast of Brazil. 109 parents participated in the survey, of which 15.6% had a confirmed diagnosis of microcephaly for their children. The degree of affiliation and access were sufficient, but the coordination attributes of care, longitudinality, integrality, family and community orientation were insufficient. In the context of congenital Zika syndrome, these attributes are essential for the comprehensive care of children and families. The health productionthese domains depends on the orientation of the models of care and their management with a strong state and federal investments. The vindication of Brazilian population life depends on the ability to place life above all other rationalities.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Zika Virus, Primary Health Care, Health Evaluation
Coêlho B. P., Miranda, G. M. D., da Silva, M. C. N., Torres, T. C. de O., Oliveira, T. F.. Atenção Primária no contexto da epidemia zika e síndrome congênita da zika em Pernambuco: contexto, vínculo e cuidado.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/fev). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/atencao-primaria-no-contexto-da-epidemia-zika-e-sindrome-congenita-da-zika-em-pernambuco-contexto-vinculo-e-cuidado/17931?id=17931