0194/2019 - Consumo alimentar segundo grau de processamento entre adolescentes da zona rural de um município do sul do Brasil. Food consumption according to degree of processing among adolescentsthe rural area of a municipality in the south of Brazil.
Objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o consumo alimentar segundo o grau de processamento e a ingestão de nutrientes entre adolescentes da zona rural de Pelotas, RS. Estudo transversal, tipo censo, com 462 alunos matriculados do 6o ao 9o do ensino fundamental das 21 escolas municipais da zona rural. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado através de R24h, sendo os alimentos classificados em quatro grupos de acordo com seu processamento, segundo a classificação NOVA. O consumo médio diário de energia foi de 1.921 calorias, sendo 48,2% provenientes de alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados e 31,9% de ultraprocessados. Os alimentos que mais contribuíram para o total de calorias diárias foram: arroz, carnes, leguminosas, açúcar, pães caseiros, biscoitos, doces, refrigerantes e sucos artificiais. Proporção maior de macro e micronutrientes, foi observada a partir da ingestão de alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados, embora carboidratos, gorduras e ferro, derivados de ultraprocessados, também tenha sido elevada. Os resultados indicam que adolescentes da zona rural possuem uma maior ingestão energética a partir do consumo de alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados, ainda que alimentos ultraprocessados também façam parte da sua alimentação, manifestando a transição nutricional.
consumo de alimentos; alimentos industrializados; adolescente; população rural
The aim of this article was to evaluate food consumption according to the degree of processing and its influence in nutrients intake among adolescents in the rural areas of Pelotas, RS. Cross-sectional census-type with 462 students enrolled in grades 6 through 9 of elementary school21 municipal schools in the rural area. Food consumption was evaluated through a R24h being the foods classified into four groups according to the extent and purpose of their processing, following the classification NOVA. The average daily energy intake was 1,921 calories, 48,2%in nature or minimally processed food and 31.9%ultraprocessed. The types of food that contributed the most to the total daily calories intake were rice, meat, leguminous, sugar, homemade bread, cookies, candies, soda, and artificial juices. Between the studied macro and micronutrients observedingestion of in nature or minimally processed food, although, carbohydrate, fat and iron contentsultraprocessed also observed as high. The study results indicate that adolescents in rural areas have a higher energetic intakefresh or minimally processed food, however, it is observed that ultraprocessed food is also part of the diet of these young people, manifesting the nutritional transition.
food consumption; industrialized foods; adolescent; rural population
Food consumption according to degree of processing among adolescentsthe rural area of a municipality in the south of Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this article was to evaluate food consumption according to the degree of processing and its influence in nutrients intake among adolescents in the rural areas of Pelotas, RS. Cross-sectional census-type with 462 students enrolled in grades 6 through 9 of elementary school21 municipal schools in the rural area. Food consumption was evaluated through a R24h being the foods classified into four groups according to the extent and purpose of their processing, following the classification NOVA. The average daily energy intake was 1,921 calories, 48,2%in nature or minimally processed food and 31.9%ultraprocessed. The types of food that contributed the most to the total daily calories intake were rice, meat, leguminous, sugar, homemade bread, cookies, candies, soda, and artificial juices. Between the studied macro and micronutrients observedingestion of in nature or minimally processed food, although, carbohydrate, fat and iron contentsultraprocessed also observed as high. The study results indicate that adolescents in rural areas have a higher energetic intakefresh or minimally processed food, however, it is observed that ultraprocessed food is also part of the diet of these young people, manifesting the nutritional transition.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
food consumption; industrialized foods; adolescent; rural population
Oliveira, R.R, Peter, N.B, Muniz, L.C. Consumo alimentar segundo grau de processamento entre adolescentes da zona rural de um município do sul do Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jul). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/consumo-alimentar-segundo-grau-de-processamento-entre-adolescentes-da-zona-rural-de-um-municipio-do-sul-do-brasil/17268?id=17268&id=17268