0018/2016 - Contribuições e desafios da estratégia saúde da família na atenção primária à saúde do Brasil: Revisão da literatura. Family health strategy benefits and challenges in primary health care in Brazil: Literature review.
O estudo analisou as contribuições e os desafios da Estratégia Saúde da Família no desenvolvimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde do Brasil. Foi realizada revisão de literatura e análise de artigos segundo as dimensões: político-institucional, organizativa e técnico-assistencial. Na primeira dimensão destacaram-se contribuições para expansão dos cuidados primários, institucionalização da avaliação e promoção da equidade; e desafios relacionados ao financiamento, formação/educação/gestão de pessoal e à intersetorialidade. Verificou-se ampliação da oferta de serviços, contato por ações programáticas e favorecimento da integralidade da atenção na dimensão organizativa; e desafios ligados ao acesso, porta de entrada, integração à rede de serviços, planejamento e participação social. Na dimensão técnico-assistencial observaram-se benefícios para o trabalho multidisciplinar, enfoque familiar, acolhimento, vínculo, humanização, orientação comunitária, produção do cuidado e desempenho. Os desafios para seu aprimoramento estão condicionados a fatores complexos e exigem maior esforço político-institucional. Portanto, sua sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento dependem do grau de investimento do Estado.
Atenção Primária à SaúdeEstratégia Saúde da FamíliaSaúde Pública
The aim of this study was to analyze what contributions the family health strategy has made towards the development of primary healthcare in Brazil, and what challenges it faces. A literature review was conducted and articles were analyzedthree dimensions: political/institutional, organizational, and technical/healthcare. In the first dimension, the family health strategy was found to help expand primary healthcare, the institutionalization of evaluations, and the promotion of equity. The main challenges identified were funding, the training, education, and management of personnel, and cross-sector interaction. In terms of organization, the benefits included a broader supply of services, contact through program-based initiatives, and more comprehensive healthcare. The challenges were found to involve access, the entry point, the integration of services, planning, and social participation. As for technical/healthcare, the main benefits identified were the fostering of multidisciplinary working practices, family focus, reception, bonding, humanization, community orientation, production of care, and performance. The challenges for its improvement are conditioned to complex factors and require greater political/institutional effort. Therefore, its sustainability and development will depend on the degree of investments made by the state.
Primary HealthcarFamily Health StrategyPublic Health
Family health strategy benefits and challenges in primary health care in Brazil: Literature review.
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to analyze what contributions the family health strategy has made towards the development of primary healthcare in Brazil, and what challenges it faces. A literature review was conducted and articles were analyzedthree dimensions: political/institutional, organizational, and technical/healthcare. In the first dimension, the family health strategy was found to help expand primary healthcare, the institutionalization of evaluations, and the promotion of equity. The main challenges identified were funding, the training, education, and management of personnel, and cross-sector interaction. In terms of organization, the benefits included a broader supply of services, contact through program-based initiatives, and more comprehensive healthcare. The challenges were found to involve access, the entry point, the integration of services, planning, and social participation. As for technical/healthcare, the main benefits identified were the fostering of multidisciplinary working practices, family focus, reception, bonding, humanization, community orientation, production of care, and performance. The challenges for its improvement are conditioned to complex factors and require greater political/institutional effort. Therefore, its sustainability and development will depend on the degree of investments made by the state.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Primary HealthcarFamily Health StrategyPublic Health
Arantes, Luciano, Shimizu, Helena, SOUSA, M. F. de, Merchan-Hamann, E. Contribuições e desafios da estratégia saúde da família na atenção primária à saúde do Brasil: Revisão da literatura.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/jan). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/contribuicoes-e-desafios-da-estrategia-saude-da-familia-na-atencao-primaria-a-saude-do-brasil-revisao-da-literatura/15439?id=15439